First Day At Work 👩‍💼

Start from the beginning

      They looked over to each other, and looked back at me. "But, Kyoya," They said at the same time. My eyes widened and glanced at him slightly, sighing. I stood up and crossed me arms, "We'll start tomorrow. I'll give our numbers if anything happens." And this is where it starts, our adventures with the famous Ouran Host Club!

      The day passed onto our official first day of work with the Host Club, and man....they went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick with us! When they mentioned themes, I thought it was just going to be like costumes and simple decorations. Why I first thought that for this kind of school, I don't know! They went all out for Tropical Paradise; sand, palm trees, temperature control, flowers, accurate costumes of Balinese Royalty, and even fucking animals that was so close to mauling me! During some of the setting and our training on how to properly prepare some of the drinks, Tamaki rounded us up to give our uniform for the day. It was a pink long tube top with gold trimming, a light pink long skirt with Bali design patterns, and some sandals with gold accessories. Savannah agreed fast as fuck, but me and Dayna was...hesitant to say the least. He thought he could use his charms, but we still denied. With one intimidating side eye glare from Kyoya, we shut up and put the outfit on. 

      The set up was all done and our training was...that. All we had to do was wait for Haruhi to get her, and she came walking in very late. "I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's still early spring," She commented. You're telling me. That got Tamaki ranting about what it means to be a gentleman and treating their guest good, or...whatever he was talking about. "Huddling under an kotatsu table fearing the cold is nonsense! And besides the heating system we have is...the best~" He posed. Haruhi groaned and made Kyoya question to be careful with what she had to say. "I have a comment, can we speed this up and open already? I respect each of you, but I would like to get out of this outfit as quick as possible," I spoke up and got one of the tables ready. With my little outburst, Savannah and Dayna trying to calm me down, the club finally opened to the public.

      The three of us served each group, expect I traded my route with Savannah since I didn't want to deal with the twins that much at the moment. The first group I went to was Tamaki's table, taking some of the empty glasses and replacing them. "I'm no more than a slave before my goddess. I kneel before you and swear my loyalty," He brought one of the girls close to me, staring straight into their eyes with smooth talking as his weapon. Rolling my eyes, I walked away while hearing something about a party they were throwing. I didn't care, I wanted to just work and get paid. Walking over to the bar, letting Dayna go back to serving the last of her drinks in exchange of washing all of our glasses together. I looked up at Kyoya from washing glasses, slightly glaring involuntarily at him.

      "Something wrong, Rose?" He asked me. I shook my head, "No, I just...I didn't get enough sleep last night, so my patience is just lower than usual. That's also a warning for you, if you didn't catch it." He hummed lowly, pushing up his glasses slightly as he turned to me. "Well, no matter what happens in your life, you have to keep up the smile here or else I'll cut your pay however I see fit." "Easier to say than do, you look like the kind of guy that if he's woken up early than things get very violent. I'm keeping up appearances for the job, I...I'm just not that comfortable to give that big of a smile," I hushed down for the last part of the sentence. 

      While I got back to serving drinks, Savannah was on her way from Honey's table with a large smile and a flower in her hair from Honey to Haruhi's table. While she placed some of the drinks down on the table, she couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. Of course, Haruhi was questioned about not wearing a costume and even being offered a matching one from Tamaki. She declined quickly, and got back to the conversation at hand with the three girls. "I hope the cherry blossoms are in full bloom on the night of the party," One said while fantasizing. Haruhi smiled to them, "You know ladies? I think it's so cute when you dream like that." Savannah nudged her a little to whisper to her, "You really are a natural. Almost got me falling for you there~" She walked away to join me and Dayna by the bar, finally having a break. We started talking a bit, until Dayna started to stare off into Haruhi's direction. All I caught was one her next appointments having her chin gently in her hand while saying, "From now on, you're going to be my new favorite host, Haruhi." From Tamaki's expression...he wasn't the thrilled. 

      Time passed to the club closing, and we had to stay overtime since they had to plan for some kind of party they wanted to throw in a couple of days. During this, Tamaki was having one of his...moments while Savannah brought him some ramen to comfort him. Dayna and I stayed with the rest of the group, looking over Kyoya's shoulder. "Hey boss, why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen, and come over here to help with the party planning." "Does it really bother you that much that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi?" The twins brought up. I snorted, "What? Were they closer than close or something?" Savannah got a wide eye stare at me when I guessed that, knowing I just said that to get under her skin. Apparently, this girl had something the club called the Host Hopping Illness, and the last host she picked was Tamaki. That was a week ago... "Oh, so he's upset because I took her from him," She understood annoyingly. Me and Dayna looked over at each other, "Sounds like a whore to me" "Yup." Even if she thought no one saw her, Savannah nodded to herself.

      Tamaki freaked out with Savannah trying to calm him down, "Tamaki, you're blood pressure is going to burst!" "Ugh, I'm running out of patience! Haruhi, It's time you start dressing like a girl! I don't understand how you could be so popular with the ladies when you yourself are a lady!" "She's a lady, so she knows what most of them wants to hear. She's actually the best host you have here in logical sense," Dayna stretched. I kinda tuned out for most of the conversation, I still needed some sleep, but Tamaki brought an old picture of Haruhi. One of the twin tilted his head, "How could this possibly become that?" "The day before school started, one of the kids in my neighborhood got gum in my hair. It's a real pain to get gum out of long hair, so I decided to cut it all off. I didn't care if I looked like a dude," Haruhi explained. That really set Tamaki off, using 'those dirty boy words again', or whatever the fuck. After that, he started calling for a...Momma..? "Who's Momma?" Dayna looked around. Kyoya sighed, "Based on club position, I assume it's me." "You talk just like my mother, so it's not that surprising. Also, Savannah this...this is the one you pick to simp over?"

      "Hate to change the subject, but do you have formal dancing experience? You'll need it at the party," Hikaru asked her. It wasn't much of a surprise that she wasn't interested in these kinds of events, as well as not having any kind of dancing experience. There was the first mistake, letting them get at a weakness to take advantage of. Tamaki changed moods quickly, bipolar head-ass, "I order you to master dancing the waltz in one week, and you will demonstrate it for us at the party. Or I'll tell the entire school that you're a girl and knock you back down to errand boy." That made me laugh hard, trying to keep it in almost killed me honestly. With a huge sigh, I wipe some of the tears from my eyes, "I'm glad I'm not in least not yet anyway." "If you think it's so funny, then you will find it even better that you as well now will have to master the waltz in a week too~" Kyoya kept looking forward. I wanna kill myself...

      We finally got to go home after that. Savannah and Dayna B-lined for their rooms, while I stayed in the living room. The best place to start learning for me was a video tutorial. During the practice part of it, and only the music played, I got up and tried to imitate it with the air. I got into it, and closed my eyes to imagine dancing with Kyoya. The crowd surrounding the two of us as we moved gracefully in circles, the way we look into each other's eyes, the ground feeling like air, and finally ending it all....with a deep. Like he'd ever do that with me, he's out of my league. Way out....    

Ouran High school Host Club: New MembersWhere stories live. Discover now