Ochobot and KokoCi does a salute while Tarung walked by Maskmana to give him a handshake. "It's been a while, my friend. What brings you here all of a sudden?" Despite confused, Tarung is happy to see his fellow admiral.

Maskmana chuckled, "Well, I just want to check up on things." He then looked around, "Where are the gang?" His question made Tarung and KokoCi have a crisis. The two of them looked at each other, probably mentally communicating on how to tell the other admiral about the state of the gang.

"Haish, these two." Ochobot muttered then he flew upon them, "They're out on space right now on a mission. They will be back in a few days, I guess." Maskmana nodded, "Too bad they aren't here. It would be a delight to meet the new girl too, I haven't formally met her yet."

"You will. I will notify you on their return." Tarung assured his co-admiral. Maskmana nodded, "Okay, then... Uhm," He cleared his throat, "I actually came here to see the power sphere vault to check on the retrieved power spheres."

"Of course." The higher-ups and Ochobot led Maskmana to the power sphere vault room. The masked admiral looked around, observing each and every power sphere. His eyes settled on the purple-colored sphere, "Who's this?"

"Oh, uhm..." KokoCi trailed off, unsure if he should disclose information about that power sphere. He then realized that Maskmana is an admiral too, so he deserves to know. "That's Sonobot, admiral. That's Lia's power sphere. It was given by Sitan, or formerly known as Yoshi."

"Ah, the uncle of Kaizo and Fang. I'm not surprised." Maskmana replied nonchalantly. Tarung then walked to Maskmana, "We were actually talking to Kaizo earlier. He's asking if Amato knows about him being looked for by Sitan and Boboiboy."

Maskmana shrugged, "Uhm... No, I don't think so." KokoCi returned a confused look, "You haven't told him yet, admiral?"

"No...? Not yet." Maskmana firmly replied while he is still on looking at Sonobot. "May I see this power sphere?" Tarung and KokoCi exchanged looks before Tarung allowed him.

Maskmana took Sonobot and observed it, then KokoCi started explaining. "That power sphere is actually OnseBot. Sitan changed its name and had a tracking evasion installed so Kaizo wouldn't be able to track it down. It belongs to the 11th Generation of power spheres."

"This gave Lia her powers, right? Sound Manipulation?" Maskmana asked, much to Tarung nodding at his question, "Yes. Her powers are versatile since she uses it for attacks, defenses, and strategics. At the same time, it can also be deadly. She fainted once after using it on a full force."

"Well, that means she uses her power well. Great job for her," Maskmana then turned to Ochobot and intently looked at him, "I need to ask you something. It's about your teleportation powers."

Ochobot went to Maskmana, "What is it?" The masked admiral didn't reply, instead he extends his arm to whack the two higher ups away while another hand grabbed the power sphere.

KokoCi groaned in pain, then looked at Maskmana, baffled at what just happened. "H-Huh... H-How did you-" He got cut off by Maskmana's head turning into Krive'a's, making them gasp. "Do this? My dear, I can do anything!" Her body extrudes a mass of thick tentacles and envelops the two power spheres in her midsection, ignoring the cries of Ochobot.

Tarung widened his eyes as he realized that it was Krive'a who they talked to, "You're not Maskmana!" Krive'a returned an evil smirk, "I'm not indeed. But I do have a word for him and his friend, Amato... Tell them good luck in finding us!"

She whipped out both of her arms toward the two higher-ups.


Today wasn't Lia's day. The excruciating pain of her head makes her want to sleep all day and just forget things. However, time wouldn't allow her. She knows that she has to be prepared once the higher-ups called up for another mission.

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