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I sat in our car. We were driving home. The lights of Brighton shined through the window I was looking. Finally back. I thought. Save from creeps like Darius. Some people would say that nothing bad happend so just move on, but the feeling inside me was terrible. Sure, he hadn't the chance to do something to me but this whole thing was traumatising. We drove along the coast of Brighton and the sea was calm as usual. Soft waves hit the stone beach. I was pulled out of my thoughts when we drove into our driveway. I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. Adrien was sitting at the bench in front of our house. 

"Adrien what are you doing here?", I said confused and ran towards him. "I checked your location and saw you are already back in Brighton, so I came here to talk", he answered. "You could have left a message or something, so that I was prepared for it", I told him crossing my arms. He just looked at me and followed me inside the house to my room. I didn't know if I could tell him everything. I didn't know if I was even able to talk. He sat down at my bed.

"Why the hell were you dancing with him? What got into you?", he said annoyed. "I was drunk! I have no idea. But thats not the point", I answered. "Yeah it is. You said you hated him and that you don't want to see him again. I mean what the fuck did you think, even if your were drunk. You promised me not do do anyt-" I interrupted him because my patience was at the end. "Shut the hell up. He was planing all of this. He wanted to rape me! If Luna and the others hadn't saved me it would have happened. You know, I have to deal with other stuff than you complaining about what I did!", I shouted at him. 

His eyes widend at my words and I noticed that he regretted every word he said before. He stood up and came towards me. "He tried what? Oh my god. I'm so sorry Malia I didn't know. I -" he said and I could tell he felt emtpy just like I did. Tears streamed down my face. I didn't know what to do and I was just so happy to see him again that I stepped close to him. I layed my hands on his cheeks and I tiptoed and brought our lips together. It was the most most calming kiss in live. "I'm happy to be back here, with you. It's going to be a bit of a rough weeks now, but with you it's going to be easier", I said quietly. He looked at my teary eyes and just hugged me. Hugged me like it was our last one. 


"Valentino! Amaya! Ellea ist here!" I shouted through the halls of the house. I opened the door and Aleyna and Livian with their two little kids walked in. "Aw let me look at this cute little thing" I said smiling. Aleyna just gave birth to her second child, a baby boy. I invited them over for dinner so we wen't into the kitchen. "Hello you four", Adrien welcomed them. Our two kids were just running into the kitchen and hugging Aleyna. They loved her. Ellea was Aleynas older daughter and the best friend of our two. I brought the dinner to the table and everyone took something immediatly. "It's enough for everyone, slow down", I said laughing. I smiled at Adrien and he gave me back a happy gaze. 

The End 

wc: 615


Wow, I finished it holy crap. And that in such a short period of time. 

Even if there were only a few people who read it, am still grateful for everything. 

I'm going to take a short break and clearing my mind and then I am going to write again. I already started a new story. It's called "The Mystery of Seakwood". 

Have a nice day <3

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