First day of school

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We've been here for a week now and today was my first day at Roedean School.  I was super excited because I was hoping to make good friends. 

I got ready, packed my stuff and went downstairs. My mother was already done and we drove to school. Luckily it wasn't far and we were there after about 10 minutes. I got out of the car and grabbed my stuff. I said goodbye to my mother and made my way towards the school building.

A few days ago I had received a letter saying I had to go to the principal's office. I was a little worried, but I didn't let it show. I stood there in front of the door and knocked. As I entered I saw the principal and a student who was probably my age. "Ah, Malia. Welcome," the principal said to me.

The girl also greeted me and he asked me to sit down. "Well, this is Aleyna, she will accompany you the first time and show you everything until you have settled in well," he explained to me. He told me a few important things and then sent us both off.

We walked back through the door and started talking a bit. "Where are you from anyway?" she asked. "We lived in Maidstone but my father got a job offer so we moved here to Brighton," I replied. "And how far from the school do you live? Maybe we live close together, then we can do something together more often", she said enthusiastically. "About 10 minutes from here. 1 Saltdean Drive ", I gave her as an answer. "I just live one street further, 27 Lenham Ave" she told me with a grin.

We had now arrived in front of a classroom door and went inside. It was only 8.50, so we had 10 minutes left before class started. The room suddenly became very quiet and everyone looked at me. "Guys, as you know, we got a new student. This is Malia" Aleyna announced. "Hey" I said, not letting on that I was nervous.

My gaze wandered through the whole room, from face to face, but suddenly I got stuck on a boy. His cold gaze met me and I looked deep into his sky blue eyes. He didn't show any emotion. However, I digressed as Aleyna led me to my seat, which was right next to hers.I sat down and talked to Aleyna for the rest of the time, but I didn't take my eyes off the boy. He was relatively tall, had dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and dressed almost identically to me. Shortly thereafter, our teacher came into the classroom.

"Good morning students" she said in a motivating tone. "As you've probably noticed, Malia is new to our class. I expect you to behave decently towards her and treat her well" she admonished others.

The first few hours before the break went very well, Aleyna helped me with some things or showed me a variety of stuff. In our break we were walking out of the classroom, heading outside. We sat down on one of the benches that were in the yard and I noticed someone walking towards us.

Alyena got up and literally jumped towards him. I couldn't help but smile. They hugged and then came to me. "Malia, this is Livian, my boyfriend" she explained. "Hey" I replied happily. "Aleyna, see you later, I have to go to the boys, we have to talk about something" he said after a while.

After he left she asked me "And what do you say about school so far? Do you like it?" "Yes, it's really great. And I'm glad to have someone as great as you" I replied. We looked at each other and smiled. "Who is that boy sitting in front of us on the left anyway?" I asked daringly. Aleyna exhaled heavily "Adrien Summers, the one every girl wants." I gave her a confused look. "Well just look at him" she said and threw a view in the direction he was standing with his group "You can't tell me he's not good looking"

"Pretty good" I said lost in thought, glancing in his direction. "Malia!" she said laughing and gave me a reproachful look."Why, what's so bad about him?" I asked. "Again, in case you didn't get it, everyone wants him and he takes the girls, literally a different one every week" she repeated. "Hmm," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I just want you to be safe and not  heartbroken here," she replied grinning. "It's okay, I'll listen to you," I gave her in reply.

Shortly after that we went back to our classroom and just as we were almost by the door Adrien came with his group from the other side. Our eyes met again, but this time I looked away as fast as I could. Inside we took our seats and Aleyna and I talked for a while until our next teacher came in.

The last few hours went very well, just like the first, but I was still glad when I heard the bell ring and we could finally pack up. "Will you be picked up or do you have to go home?" Aleyna asked me. "I have to go, unfortunately," I answered listlessly. "Don't worry, me too" she said. 

"Would you like to do something together this afternoon?" she asked me as we rounded a hedge. "Yes, of course. Do you have any suggestion?" I asked her. "We could go to the beach," she said. "Yeah, of course. Can you pick me up then please," I asked. "Yes, of course, I'll let you know about the time," she replied.


By the way 1 Saltdean Drive and 27 Lenham Avenue are real houses in Brighton. 

If you want to check it out, you'll see that it matches the charakters pretty well.

Also Roedean School is real.

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