School Day

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It was now 2 weeks since we were back home and unfortunately school was back in full swing. Nevertheless, we all meeet almost every day. We often went to the beach or just chill at someones house.

I was on my way to school and I was walking out the door when suddenly someone came towards me. It was Adrien. "Good morning" he said. "Good morning, why didn't you tell me you were picking me up?" I asked. "Surprise" he replied curtly.

I just shook my head gave him a smile and off we went. I was always fascinated by how much he took care of me that nothing happened to me or that I was dealing with the wrong people.

When when we got to school, he held the door open for me and I entered. Together we went towards the classroom where I met Aleyna in the hallway. "Heyy" I greeted her happily. "Good morning" she replied with at least as much joy.

Adrien was still standing next to me but I felt his hand on my hip gently pushing me towards the door. I entered and went to my seat and sat down. Aleyna immediately came with me. Since it was Monday and the weekend was behind us she looked at me expectantly.

"What are you waiting for now?" I asked her laughing. "Are you guys finally dating?" she whispered so no one else could hear. "No, we are not. But we did something together on Saturday" I explained to her. "Tell me later. The teacher is coming," she said while her gaze wandered to the door.

The teacher entered the room and the lesson began. In the meantime I had settled in well and my grades were okay. However, I was particularly bored with the lessons today and was incredibly happy when the bell finally rang for the break. I practically jumped up and our group made our way outside. We were going towards our usual place we always sit.

I walked between Aleyna and Adrien and we talked a little bit about a few things. When we got to the place Adrien sat down. At first I didn't realize what happened next. He put both his hands on my waist and pulled me slightly back and onto his lap. At first I was overwhelmed with the situation because he had never done that before. Aleyna and the others didn't look very suprised either so I made myself comfortable.

"Listen guys, there's a party at my house on Saturday. My parents are gone and I want to take advantage of that. Anyone can come, so invite whoever you want" Elian said after a moment. "Oh yes, thats perfect. I need some fun and alcohol again" I replyed smiling.

With that sentence, I noticed Adrien's facial expression change from a smile to a serious expression. He didn't like it when I did things that could harm me. He had never said it to me personally but I could tell. For the rest of the break, Aleyna and I discussed what we could wear.

We hadn't come to a real decision yet but she wanted to come by and rummage through my closet.

We made our way back inside and headed towards the classroom. Adrien had one arm around me and the others followed us. Suddenly another girl appeared in front of us who gave us a weird look, shook her head and pulled past us. Adrien looked after her.

"What was that?" I asked confused. He wasn't listening. "Adrien!" I said louder. With that I was able to wake him from his thoughts and he said "Hmm, sorry, what did you say?" "What was that about the girl?" I repeated. "I dunno, probably can't accept that we're doing something together" he replied annoyed.

"Is everything ok with you? I asked worried. He looked at me and looked deep into my eyes. A small smile crossed his face. "It's ok" he replied. When we got to the classroom, we sat back down and the lesson continued. Again and again I looked at Adrien, but not even one look came back. Something was wrong. I could tell that straight away.

When the bell finally rang, we all literally stormed outside. It was a hot day and nobody wanted to stay in school. To my amazement, Adrien even came up to me and escorted me outside. Aleyna and Livian walked next to us towards home. "Aleyna, when do you want to come by today?" I asked her. "I'm with Livian until 5:00 p.m. after that I'll come to you" she answered. "Okay great." I said back.

After a while the two turned off and Adrien and I were now alone. He said nothing that was unusual for him. Just as we got to my house and he was about to say goodbye, I stopped him. "Adrien wait. I feel and see that something is wrong. Stay a little longer and talk to me about it." I said.

"Everything is all-" I cut him off. "Don't lie to me, I can see it" I replied softly. For a brief moment he looked at me in shock, but then he went with me. My parents and my brother were not at home so we had the house to ourselves. We went to my room and I sat on my bed. Adrien next to me. I looked at him but his gaze was down.

"Come on, tell me what's going on?" I prompted. "Okay, so...I'll start with the less important stuff. First, I'm really worried about you and the party. I don't want anything to happen to you or anything like that" he said."And secondly, the important issue: I worry too much about what's between us. I mean, these feelings I have for you have never been there. I'm afraid you'll leave me because it takes me too long to make my decisions " was the next thing he said.

Only now did he raise his eyes and looked at me expectantly. "First of all, I've got you and my friends with me at this party, I won't be harmed, especially if you take care of me. Secondly, don't put any pressure on yourself. We will take our time as long as we need it, I'm enjoying being with you more than anything right now" I replied.

I noticed the relief on his face and just wanting to give him reassurance of my statement, I scooted close to him. I put my hands on his neck and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him deeply and he replied. I had never felt anything like this before.

His hands went to my waist, pulling me the last few inches that were between us. We just harmonized perfectly with each other. He carefully tilted me back and I fell onto my back on the bed, he on top of me. Meanwhile, we didn't break the kiss. It went on like this for a few more minutes, but nothing more happened. It was perfectly fine with me, I enjoyed his closeness and that was enough to make me happy. 

After a while he decided to go home. I walked him downstairs to the front door. "And next time you have something on your mind, please tell me right away, okay?" I said to him. "I'll do it, see you tomorrow" he replied. "See you tomorrow" I replied. With a kiss on the forehead he left and disappeared behind the hedge.

I was still standing in the doorway looking at the sky. It always amazed me that people can be so two-sided.


Just realized that I didn't the german part of this chapter, whoops

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