Chapter 20: Louis

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Oh?

Louis: I keep thinking about what happened with everyone at the school...

Louis frowns.

Louis: Everyone... gone in a heartbeat. I don't think I've ever experienced something like that.

I stay silent.

Louis: I keep thinking to myself that I should have helped out more.

Y/N: Louis...

Louis: No... really... I also joke around and fuck around. And that got people killed. I'm just a fucktard when everyone else is working hard with their stuff...

I listen to him.

Louis: Remember the former leader that Clem talked about when you first met us?

Y/N: Yeah?

Louis: He... was my best friend... I grew up with him...

Y/N: I'm sorry to hear that...

Louis: He was killed by AJ...

Y/N: Huh? AJ killed him?!

Louis: His name was Marlon. He did some bad things, and he locked Clem in with one of our former kids who was a walker...

I don't know how to respond to that.

Louis: He also gave some of our kids to Delta... so to AJ, he was a threat...

Y/N: Hmm.

We finished our drinks.

Y/N: We'll be heading out.

Bartender: See you next time.

Me and Louis leaves the bar.

Louis: I've been thinking... I want to be more serious... and actually start helping the people I care about. When it comes down to it, or when a serious situation happens. I want to better myself...

Y/N: I believe you are useful. And I think you help out. It's okay to be yourself. As long as you take these things more seriously, like you said.

Louis: You know... I'm glad you are still here. We couldn't save everyone... and I miss them... so... so much.

Y/N: I'm glad you're okay too. It's nice to have a joker in a group, to keep us smiling and laughing.

Louis smiles.

Louis: I feel like we got closer.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Louis: I feel like you're becoming my new best friend...

Y/N: You think so?

Louis: Yeah... what do you say? Best friends?

Louis sticks his hand out. I shake his hand.

Y/N: Best friends.

Louis then brings me in for a bro hug.

Louis: Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

Louis: I think I'll head home. I liked hanging out.

Y/N: Same here. Maybe next time?

Louis: Sure!

Louis walks off. I decide to walk back home. I arrive to my house and open the door. I see Clem still on the couch.

Clementine: How was hanging out with Louis?

Y/N: It was fine.

I sit down next to her on the couch.

Y/N: We went out for drinks.

Clementine: Oh.

Y/N: It's safe to say me and Louis are best friends now...

Clem laughs.

Clementine: Oh really?

Y/N: Yeah...

Clementine: Will I see Louis act more serious? Or will I see you start to become a dork?

Y/N: One way to find out.

Clem laughs again.

Clementine: Well, I've been relaxing all day.

Y/N: Did you even get off the couch.

Clementine: A few times...

We notice it get dark outside.

Y/N: I'm tired, I'll be going to bed.

Clementine: I'll join you.

We walk into our bedroom. We take off our bionic limbs and put them on the dresser. We get in bed. Instead of Clem staying on her side. Clem snuggles closer to me and wraps her arms around me. I wrap my one arm around her and pull her closer to me.

Clementine: Goodnight, Y/N.

Y/N: Goodnight, Clem.

We give each other a kiss, before falling asleep.

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