Chapter 5 - Conflicted

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Hey, Yall!!!! 🤗🤗🤗✨I would like to dedicate this chapter to all my readers and specifically Fluzzycow32, -Lojy-  and Starco231!

Special thanks to them for reading my story


"....... And Basically that means that I have to give up on Adrien cause I have to love Chat Noir - UGGGGGH! It's all so confusing!" 

Alya embraced Marinette in a long hug. 

"I feel you.... I'm sorry that all of this has been thrown on you but you know that you don't have to give up on Adrien right....." Alya suggested. 

"But how am I going to love Cat Noir with my whole heart  if I love Adrien- *Sigh* I probably already like him......"

"Especially after that kiss...." Marinette mumbled, hoping Alya wouldn't hear her. 

"Woahhhwoawoawoawoawoawoooo. You did what! And you're now telling me about this!" 

Marinette rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Yeah - I may have almost kissed him the exact day that Adrien and I had gone on our first date............ And then kiss him the next day-"

"You still haven't filled me in on all of that - but anyway.... go on."

"Well uh.... he had said that what I said to him as Marinette made him happy - and then he thought that I had gotten uncomfortable with what he said and I kind of told him that it was something personal -" 

"You did WHAT! Marinette.........gurl." Alya shook her head. 

"You know that Cat Noir loves you and he wants to know you're identity. That was the worst thing to tell him." 

"I know, I know. I was an idiot to say something like that -" 

"You're not Marinette." and Alya smiled and hugged her. 

" Welll - after that he basically got mad that we couldn't know our identities and I argued that we can't and then....... I told him about Cat Blanc-" 

"GURLLL WHAT!" Alya  yelled and Marinette clasped her best friend's mouth shut. 


Marinette removed her hand off of her friend's mouth. 

"But yes.... I sort of did and then he comforted me as always and I fell for his charming kitty act and almost kissed him......."

"Don't turn this around on Chat Noir. You ended up kissing him anyway."

Marinette sighed.

"I hate this!" and she plopped herself on her bed face first. 

"What happened next?" her best friend asked her.

"Well...... the next day we ended up talking about what had happened the day before and then - well - I - I - kissed my partner-" Marinette said and buried her head in her bed sheets again.

"It's not the end of the world, Marinette. You'll be fine." Alya tried to comfort her. 

"But I'm not fine. Adrien already confessed his feelings to me and plus he's a sentimonster! I get why the universe hates me now. Adrien and I can't be together because I'll only keep breaking his heart. I'm meant to be with Chat Noir...." Marinette said, tears starting to fill her eyes. 

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