Chapter 13- Call Me Daddy

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Hawks was starting to get really pissed off.

He had been keeping an eye on you as the days went by and the heroes that were attacked by Dabi were back in the field. Your first trimester was soon coming to a close and the time limit Hawks gave Dabi was also approaching its limit.

Well...and his ability to stay sane during this fuckery.

Keigo couldn't blame Dabi for being antsy. In his eyes, some douchebag was romancing his girl and causing her to push away her friends, isolating her from anyone else. Keigo had to limit the info he relayed over about you knowing that the hot head wouldn't hesitate to just show up at your apartment and burn Shindo alive. Not that Keigo was against it but someone had to have their head on straight here.

Today was a bit different from the norm though.

Today you texted Bakugo if he was busy

Hawks GPS tracked your phone and hovered from a distance as you had the explosive blond pick you up for the day and bring you over to his own surprisingly quiet home outside of the city. He still lived near UA and near Deku, making it fairly easy for the two to meet up and work. Shoto lived at around the halfway point between the city and the suburbs. When you did visit them or see them, it was usually at Bakugo's home considering he had a decent-sized plot of property and was a total neat freak compared to Deku whose bedroom still looked like that of a sixteen-year-old. 

After Bakugo picked you up, it was just the two of you alone in the car for the next forty minutes. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt rolled up to his elbows, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the stick shift while casually driving through the outskirts of the city. The man knew that something had to be wrong for you to ask him to pick you up instead of just teleporting over to hang out as you would before, so of course he threw on a shirt, grabbed his keys, and booked it out the door the moment you asked.

"So what's this shit about? You sick or something?" Bakugo asked you as he shifted gears. He turned his chill music down a bit so he could hear you, the rays of the sun occasionally getting blocked by the street lights you passed.

"Sort of. I just needed someone to talk to," you answered honestly with your voice quiet. Katsuki's scarlet eyes peered over to look you over and his suspicions were rising up.

"So you had me drive to Tokyo when you could have just teleported over or I dunno, fucking called me? Don't bullshit me, just tell me what's up," he huffed in mild annoyance. Your hands were sweaty and you tried desperately to hide the fact you were drying them on your pants. With eyes with puffy circles, bloated cheeks, and your chest growing a bit larger, there were clear signs you were gaining weight. Your hair had been a pain in the ass lately from the fact it was growing in thicker, and on more than just your head too.

"I um...I need to talk to someone about an issue and I need you to swear on your life you won't be mad at me," you said rather quickly as if trying to rip this off like a bandage. His grip on the wheel tightened and his perfect jawline tensed as if he were gritting his teeth.

"Did that fucker knock you up or something?! Is that why you haven't used your quirk in months?!"

You were speechless and the clammy feeling of your hands spread to your forehead in a heavy wave. Your throat went dry when you went to talk.

"I...sort of."

"The fuck you mean sort of?! You either are or aren't pregnant! There's no middle fucking ground here!" Bakugo's whole face went red with rage as he tried really hard to hold himself together as he drove. "I swear to god I'm gonna ring that stupid fucker's neck out! How could you sleep with him?! I get he's all over you all the time and you guys work together but seriously?! He's a manipulative little fucker and I can smell that shit from across the city. I don't even fucking like you and I'd be better than he is, fucking Christ almighty!"

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