Chapter 4- Mixed Feelings

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"Let me walk you home." 

"A wanted murderer is not walking me to my door...and besides, I can teleport." Dabi was walking with you in the empty park at night, no destination in sight for either of you. Why you were still walking with the villain, side by side, was a question that neither of you had the answer to. Dabi was a complete stranger, a murderer, a monster...and yet you felt safer with him by your side than even Endeavor. His warmth was addicting, and even though he still smelled like the cigarette he burned to ash, it was comforting. The allure to Dabi was just so different from any other man you've been around, but you wouldn't give to a villain.

"But where's the fun in that, sweetheart?" He offered you that same smirk that melted you the first time, and no matter how many times you've seen it tonight, its effectiveness never wore thin.

"I didn't come here to have fun. I came here to get my mind off of you." Despite your annoyed tone, Dabi could feel that the malice that once filled your eyes had shifted to confusion. He filled you with enough doubt that it changed your behavior, and that was his goal tonight.

"You were thinking of me that much? Well, I'm flattered, little miss hero. Sorry to disappoint but you'll be thinking of me far longer than just tonight." You shuddered when you heard his cocky laugh, but he mistook the shudder of attraction for the cold. His eyes shifted from teasing to almost concerned, the glowing cerulean just as warm as his flames. "Come here..." he spoke in a surprisingly sweet tone. 

I already was pressed against him on the bench...what's a warm walk home?

It was like Dabi was breaking down your stubborn walls one touch at a time with the way he spoke and lured you in by your heart. He knew you found him attractive, that his bad-boy nature struck a chord somewhere deep in your chest. Maybe he was genuine, maybe he wasn't, but all you knew was that this was the most addicting feeling you've ever experienced in your life and you didn't want it to end.

So you wouldn't teleport would walk with his arm draped around you securely as if you were more precious to him than anything else in the world.


The next few weeks were beyond strange for you.

If you weren't so frustratingly in awe of Dabi, you would have been furious at how he swindled you into looking into his mission...and honestly, you questioned yourself every day for agreeing to it. You have isolated yourself from your sidekicks after running patrols during the day and pretend to scout the area to find Dabi'. No one knew you would meet with him after midnight in your favorite park, the two of you exchanging folders, papers, and verbal information about the things the two of you found. Dabi was irritatingly easy to talk to and communicate with, even compared to the friends you've grown up with. 

Shindo was disheartened by the fact the two of you were not going on as many dinner dates as before. What once was a cute moment between the two of you was completely encompassed by the villain that walked into your life and demanded your attention with no one standing in his way. He saw how your focus was shifted from locating Dabi to digging into the victims, and Shindo was a little suspect of what happened to make you change.

"Hey stranger," he started with a half-smile and a bag of takeout in his hand. "I got you some foooood~...c'mon, I know you're hungry. You skipped lunch!" His cheery face popped into sight as he cracked open your office door only to see you buried under piles of paperwork. Your hair was a mess, your face defeated...your mind in the depths of confusion. He could feel your stress radiating off of you. 

"Oh, Shindo...thanks," you attempted to muster up a smile but it was pained. You were stretching yourself so thin with researching everything Dabi threw at you that it made it a challenge to take care of yourself. Lunch wasn't the only meal you missed this week. Shindo's black eyes narrowed at the sight of you and he decided it was finally time to put his foot down.

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