Chapter 7- Deflection

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Your head hurt.

Shindo walked into your office while you burrowed your head in your arms. All you wanted was to take a lengthy vacation away from the world at the you didn't have to ask yourself if you were actually a hero after sleeping with a villain and wanting to see him again. Not only that, but the deeper you looked into what info he fed you, the worse you felt about the future. Corporations funding the Hero Association, insurance claims, the death toll...

"Hey...(y/n)? You know you can talk to me, right?" Shindo's affectionate voice cut through your stressful thoughts and forced you to lift your head to look at him. There were simply things you just couldn't tell him. You couldn't tell anyone about the situation you were in now. Hawks may have been the only one who wouldn't judge you, but you wouldn't see him any time soon thanks to his mission.

"Thanks for the offer Shindo, I'm just mentally exhausted. This whole..." you chose your words carefully. "...situation is a real headache...literally. I'm just hoping that we get a substantial lead soon." You sighed while leaning back in your chair, your hero uniform moving with your body. Shindo tried to hide his gaze as he admired your figure, but it wasn't quite successful.

Kendo cut into the room as well, her face also concerned. "We are your sidekicks you's okay to rely on us. You've been shouldering too much lately, so don't think we haven't noticed. We are still pro-heroes after all." She cocked her head a bit with a comforting smile...and you felt like an asshole. Here these two were trying their best to help you and you were too self-absorbed think about anything else.

"You're right...I'm sorry." You stood up, palms on your desk, ready to give your sidekicks a proper briefing. "I think that us three will need to work together on side missions without the higher-ups, including Endeavor, knowing. The fewer people, the better. We can trust my friends from UA though. They are the best heroes on the market...better than me." Shindo and Kendo looked at each other with confusion and unease.

Today would be the first day your friends from UA would join your team, and as rowdy as ever, Bakugo was of course the first one to burst into the room.

"You better not start shit without me!" He huffed in annoyance while barging in. Shoto walked in quietly without being phased by Bakugo's aggression and Deku was profusely apologizing on behalf of him.

"I am so, so sorry (Y/n)! Kacchan, you should be more respectful of (Y/n)! This is her office!"

"That's okay, Deku. Whatever he breaks I'll be sure to mail him an invoice for," you smiled innocently. Of course Katsuki's eyes went white hearing that but he didn't fail to notice how Shindo ever so slightly separated you from the group. His body language screamed shield as if you were in need of protection. The explosion hero wasn't keen on this. He had been friends with you since the beginning of UA...if anyone should be suspicious of a new guy, it should be him.

"What's the deal with the human boulder over there?" Katsuki's crossed biceps screamed authority, his mature adult frame just as strong and towering as a bodybuilder. Shindo was built but it was clear Katsuki could kick his ass in a fight.

"What, is there a problem?" Shindo raised a brow with his pose matching Katsuki.

"I wouldn't call you much of a problem," Katsuki smugly stated with a sharp smile.

"Will you two shut it?!" Kendo cut in harshly with an even stronger presence than the two men.

Bakugo and Shindo huffed and turned away from each other, but Shindo still was hovering like he was keeping an eye on you. It was like he didn't trust your friends.

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