Chapter 5- See You Tonight

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Having Dabi in your apartment was...interesting.

How a villain could act as if he owned the place yet simultaneously make your apartment feel more like home was beyond you. Dabi looked like he belonged as he leaned against your kitchen counter, you sitting on the countertop with your legs dangling off the side as you ate your food. This situation should have been so were a hero and should have arrested him on sight, especially since he broke into your apartment.

Yet his cerulean eyes were welcomed as they gazed at you without an ounce of judgment. His body warmed the entire room, and the scent of his coffee was strong but comforting. The black-haired villain was right at home, and you dreaded him ever leaving this apartment.

"So..." you started.

"" he smirked, knowing you weren't sure how to address this situation.

"I am getting the idea that the guys in charge of the Hero Association aren't as good as they present themselves. Pretty peculiar that they always end up not being in the office when you attack. So that makes me wonder, what's your role in all this?" You asked him with a speculative glare. Dabi shot you that pearly smile that always somehow made you melt.

"That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? If I tell you, would it end this little cat-and-mouse game we have going on?" Despite his cocky demeanor, Dabi was reluctant to hear the answer. He didn't want to leave anytime soon. The tall villain would feel just as eager as you when it came to your nightly meet-ups. He didn't expect to be rescued by a hero from a burning building...and he certainly didn't expect her to be a beautiful young woman whose voice would ignite a flame in his core that rivaled his own pyres. "Because I'm just starting to enjoy playing with you...I don't want this game to end just yet..."

There was a hint of honesty in the way he spoke his feelings. You didn't say anything but instead looked at him and allowed him to talk it out. Dabi's biceps flexed with each movement of his arms, his sharp and perfect jaw casting a light shadow against his next. You could see his collarbones since he was wearing a loose tank top...and if he adjusted the right way you could see his v-line. Your entire body was tingling and your heartbeat echoed in your ears unapologetically.

"What? Do you want me to go?" Dabi started to tease. His raspy voice had the luxuriousness of top-shelf whiskey but the wild sensuality of a home-rolled cigarette between full lips. "You keep doing this thing where you act like you don't want me. I know the truth, otherwise, you would have arrested me the first time. Yet you keep coming back...I'll be honest with you if you get honest with me sweetheart. Tell me what you want," Dabi practically growled at the end. The air in the room felt suffocating in the best of if his rough touch was gripping your throat.

Was he always this...irresistibly attractive?

You finished your food and put the take-out container on the side just as Dabi placed his empty coffee on the counter. He walked up to you and placed a hand on each side of the counter next to your waist, leaning in enough you could feel his breath fan over your lips. Unlike Shindo, your body ached from just Dabi's voice alone. His lips next to your ear made your knees weak and your brain fuzzy.

"I don't want it to end either..." you murmured, your heart pounding and a steady ache burning between your legs. You could hear his heart pounding in his chest and yours echoed through your ears. The tension between the two of you was layered thick and all you wanted was to be touched by this villain that didn't hesitate to kill the very people you swore to save. You wanted to lecture yourself for what you desired.

"Then why are you holding back sweetheart...I know you want me just as much as I want you...I can feel it..." His perfect teeth grazed your ear and without even thinking, you sighed into his touch. Throwing all ideals of heroism out the window seemed like the perfect way to end the evening...

Burning You (Dabi x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum