💜 pregnant

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A/n pov:

Time skip~

There was complete silence in the hospital corridor. When Jung-hoon and lily heard Jungkook's cries they immediately rushed to his room to Find Jungkook sitting next to tae who was passed out on the bed calling his name again and again with tears filled eyes.
It shattered their heart to see Jungkook cry.

Lily panicked when she saw an unconscious tae lying on jungkook's bed. she never thought she will see him like that. She blamed herself for everything. For not taking proper care of Her baby bear. For not checking on him. But Jung-hoon calmed her down saying it was no one's fault. Even though he was panicking inside.

Now Jung-hoon, Lily and Jungkook were at the Hospital anxiously waiting outside. The others were left at the mansion to look after Hamzy who was crying. Jungkook was sitting in one of the waiting room chairs. His head was hung low and his mind was replaying what tae spoke before losing consciousness.
“y~ywu let her c~call m~w a toy~
I~im nch y-your toy” when tae was mumbling this he was trying his best to stay conscious, but he couldn't.

Jungkook pov:

I'm sorry angel, I'm so sorry for not taking proper care of you. I'm an idiot.
I don't fucking deserve you, love. I d-don't. But please be okay. I can't s-see you like this love p-please.

A/n pov:

Jungkook's mind was a mess right now.
He couldn't think of anything else than his love, his baby angel. He was praying that tae must be fine. And his mind was telling him that it was his fault that his angel is in a hospital bed. He must have given his angel all the care in the world but he didn't.

As he was drowned in his thoughts, he was harshly pulled by his collar making his body Jerk.

Jimin: You bastard what did you do this time!?

Jimin yelled at Jungkook's face. Jimin's eyes were red and his face had tears strained. Tae was fine when he dropped him at the mansion now what happened to him? His heart was thumping in his chest. When he heard tae was in the hospital he immediately rushed there. Jin too was informed and he was on his way with namjoon.

Nurse: Sir this is a Hospital, please don't shout here.

The Nurse scolded and jimin didn't want to make a scene so he left Jungkook's shirt with a deadly glare.
Jungkook didn't say anything as his mind wasn't thinking straight. All he had in his head was his lover's gorgeous face, those almond eyes that he can die for, his pretty boxy smile, his soft hair, his fragile body, his soft touch, the way he giggles, talks, his cute pout, his heavenly smell. His mind was clouded with his pretty angel's thoughts. It was making him insane. He was waiting desperately for hobi to come and say that he is fine. Another 5 minutes later jin and namjoon arrived. As soon as he arrived he began to question Lily about what happened. But even when jin was worried his reaction was not what Lily expected. He was surprisingly calm. After asking about hamzy's whereabouts he went to Jimin and comforted him saying that tae will be fine.

Then Jin went near Jungkook and placed his hand on his shoulder.
Jungkook didn't react or look up at first as he was on his own thoughts. Jin called jungkook shaking his shoulder lightly Making him flinch and come back to reality.

Jungkook: H-hyung I swear        I swear I didn't do anything hyung, please trust me this time. I didn't do anything

Jungkook began to rant nervously once he saw Jin. His voice was hoarse and weak, his eyes were swollen and sad. Jin can sense how much jungkook was terrified. It broke his heart to see jungkook in this state so he didn't waste a second to pull him into a warm and comforting hug.

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