This was not what she expected.

"Uh, hi?" Hazel tilted her head, caught off guard by the strange presence. "What're you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything..." Misty lowered her phone, trying to hide the screen that was definitely recording something.

"Why are you hiding beside a building while recording on your phone? Alone?" Hazel crossed her arms, glancing back again to find Amelia peaking out from the alleyway with her eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

"I- I don't know..."

"You don't? That's kinda weird," Hazel shrugged, listening as voices grew behind her.

"Ryan, why are you helping her? She's not good... Stop ruining my plan." Amelia huffed while putting her phone away. Her voice raised ever so slightly as she continued. "She ruins everything, she manipulates you and you know it. I just need to prove it."

"How many times do I have to say that she isn't manipulating me?" Ryan groaned, rubbing his forehead as he let a long sigh escape him. Upon seeing this, Hazel made her way back towards Ryan, her steps slowed and hesitant as her confidence drifted ever so slightly in the presence of the girl who tried her best to bring hate to Hazel. Honesty, she wished she wouldn't, not because of the obvious, but because Hazel found her very pretty, and unfortunately, there was a mild crush. Mild... it was rapidly fading. "Why are you here? Is this why Ricky wanted to speak to her? So you could come to confront her or something?"

Hazel, unfortunately, knew that wasn't entirely the case. There was more planned than just a confrontation, why else would the two girls have been hidden while one recorded the scene on her phone? There was more to it and Hazel hoped she wouldn't find out what else was to come from it.

Misty followed behind Hazel, her steps slowed in the hopes of not being dragged into the argument too far. Of course, she wanted to back her friend up, but she didn't want to get into trouble.

"Look at her!" Amelia yelled out, growing furious as she didn't get what she wanted, "she's always looking for attention! She just comes along and acts so innocent and suddenly, everything is ruined! Why can't you see it?"

"Because that's not what's happening."

"Stop backing her up!"

"I'm going to keep backing her up until you leave her alone, she doesn't deserve anything that you do to her."

"I bet she doesn't even know you! She doesn't know you like I do! We used to be best friends! Then everything went to hell!"

"Amelia, drop it. Just go back to school and quit wasting your life by being petty."


"Yeah," Ryan nodded, unfazed as he glanced towards Hazel.

"Amelia?" Misty spoke up, her voice hesitant, "we should probably go back... This wasn't the plan..."

"Shut up, Misty!" Amelia snapped, her blood boiling as she approached Hazel, though her eyes remained set on Ryan as she began to prod at the detective's chest, her nail jabbing at her skin. "She's an attention whore! She doesn't deserve your time. Do you know how hard I tried to get you to just like me? How much I gave up for you!?"

"You forced me into things and threatened me when you didn't get your way because you thought we'd look good together, you thought you'd get something from me just like you did from Jason," Ryan shook his head. "You're like everyone else in that fuckin' school, you don't actually care about me and you disrespected my friends. You don't have the right to act as if I owe you anything."

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