"Hours ago, I've interviewed Elliot Lockwood himself- that's right, the adopted younger son of the Lockwood family that joined hands with the Horan family to put forth some shocking allegations about the scandal that happened three years ago.

"He has some things to say regarding the ongoing talk about what's true, and what's lie. I'll let you listen to snippets of our interview."

The screen blackened, and an audio recording started to play. My grip on the sink tightened.

"Do you have anything to say regarding the relationship between you and Clare Horan?" Gabriel's Nikol started.

"Contrary to what many people say- I liked her first. I fell in love with Clare and asked her if she would go out with me, multiple times.

"She told me she couldn't possibly involve me looking into the incident three years ago. But I insisted." Elliot spoke calmly, matter-of-factly. "I wanted to get that straight."

The mint toothpaste smelled funny in my mouth. The back of my eyes grew warm.

"Why did you and Clare suddenly decide to re-look into the matter of three years ago?"

"I'll keep my silence on that. But I'll tell you- I'm the one who suggested it first. Not Clare."

"That's why I didn't say anything, even when dad brought me in front of the cameras and when we went back home, stopped smiling at me. Because he was my savior."

Elliot's voice was strained in pain. "I can't just sit in his house while he gets more people's blood on his hands. I have to stop him."

"Documents were leaked just about thirty minutes ago. The documents show that you were in a psychiatric ward for some time and were diagnosed with serious mental health conditions, which entailed symptoms like severe paranoia.

"Your father's brief statement before he voluntarily stepped up to be investigated, was that you were always a 'sweet but a little unstable' child who 'imagined things now and then'."

Leaked! I almost laughed. When had 'leaked' become a synonym of 'released'?

"Well, tell me, Gabriel. Am I imagining Ian Neil, Nicole Romano- and yourself, sitting next to me?"

An amused chortle came. "Of course not."

"These conditions cannot be simply switched on and off. They don't just go away, like natural disasters.

"They tend to stay for some time. I've been functioning well as a member of my school tennis club and band, as a student in classes. Without any medication.

"You're not coughing, sneezing, or running a fever. Therefore you don't need to prove to me that you don't have a cold. I don't have to prove that I'm well. I just am."

"I see." Gabriel Nikol cleared his throat. "You're really not going to comment on why you've decided to re-look into the scandal? Some speculate it was out of some ill feelings towards your adoptive family.

"It did seem from media portrayals that you were very close to your family. But things might be different back at home.

"For example- did Richard, Isabella or Landon mistreat you in any way? Perhaps exclude you from the rights that Landon Lockwood was bestowed with?"

There was no hesitation. "No."

"That's why I didn't say anything even when I ended up in the hospital because Isabella tried to kill me with a spiked peanut butter sandwich.

"I didn't say anything even when dad brought me to dimly lit drinking places with rich men and women who liked having me pour their drinks and smiling for them, and wanted to be left alone with me in exchange for signing contracts with dad."

Crazy but Sweet, Sweet but CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now