Chapter 8(Happy Little Accidents)

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Tommy​ watched as Techno entered the cafe. The pinkette looked back, finding the blonde waving goodbye to him.

Techno gave a small smile, but he didn't wave back.

Tommy didn't mind it, seeing as the hybrid probably did not know how to show Affection.

He watches as the man disappeared from the front and enter the empoyees room.

He then turn and walk away from the cafe, making sure to get the name.

"Manifold Cafe, interesting", He mumbled.

He hadn't heard from Jack in a while, stupid bastard tried to join the A-I, almost getting himself killed. If Tommy wasn't there to stop Callahan, he would've died there, poor kid got his arms and legs cut off, glad he had healed him back then.

Tommy huffed, kicking a pebble away towards the road.

But then he saw a motorcycle hit the pebble and swerved, crashing into a car.

Tommy immediately regretted that decision, and bolted out of there.

The wind blew past him, causing everything around the vicinity to go flying.

"Oh fuck-", Tommy muttered, jumping onto a roof and watching people and objects going into different directions.

Tommy expresses his regret, as he reached into the inter-dimensional bag that Callahan had made for them, and threw some cash towards the streets, hoping that will be enough compensation for their injuries.

Wait. Tommy took a closer look at the money, and realized it was all fake.

Tommy shrugged, and moved on, he didn't really know what to do at that point, and he can't explain why he had so much fake cash in his person.

So, Tommy​ just jumped down and goes, "Don't be suspicious, Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious", as he scoots away from his crime scene.

As Tommy walked off, he could hear someone going, "THESE ARE FAKE!?".

He look back and saw a ram man, burning a fake cash on his cigar, whilst collecting the rest of it and shoving it into a bag.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, what is that hybrid doing? He thought, watching as the ram man, got in his unharmed car and drove off, leaving no cash behind.

"Strange", Tommy​ muttered, "A mafia boss maybe", He said, before turning on his heels and sprinting away, making sure not to go in the speed of sound again, because that was a disaster, not like he hated it

Huffing, he fling the bakery doors opened.

He was greeted with the scent of bread, sweet blueberries

Tommy look around and saw a cat man behind the counter.

"Hello, how can I help you", the cat man said, sluggishly.

Was this the type of customer service this place give? Tommy thought.

"Hey, Antfrost, I came in for the free baking class", Tommy greeted, he smiled ear to ear, whilst he moves closer to the cat.

Ant seems to recognised Tommy's voice, as he jumped back and stare at the 17 year old looking boy.

"You're the one from the Big Q's dinner!?", Ant said, raising his voice in surprised and horror.

"Yup, nice to finally meet my friend's boyfriend", Tommy said, smirking.

Ant seems to turn a bit red from that.

"Heard he wanted to proposed to you on your favourite holiday", Tommy said.

Ant turned even more red, the white part of his face was like a red rose, especially his nose.

"Anyways, I just message Bad, and he said I can take the door behind you, so can you, like, scoot over?", Tommy said.

Ant didn't listen, he just stand there, as his feet was rooted in his place.

Tommy took that as an invitation to jumped over the counter and push past Ant to get to backroom.

As he made his way towards the kitchen, he could hear a familiar voice talking amongst the students.

Tommy got to his station and look around the room.

"And then he made me go to the bathroom and take a shower", A brunette complained.

'Ah, it's the brunette kid', Tommy thought, as he let is hand moved towards one of the bowls in front of him.

The bowl was empty, nothing was inside it, but Tommy could somehow feel like, it was related to him, like a resonance, maybe it was because the bowl reflects on how he's been living until now, unmeaningful, empty.

Tommy brushed the thoughts behind, as the teacher, Badboyhalo and his assistant, Skeppy walks in.

"Hello, everyone, my name is Badboyhalo and this is my assistant Skeppy", the demon said.

His white eyes, strikes the student as unfriendly, but his voice was soft and high pitch, which make up for his intimidating height and appearance.

"Shall we start today's lesson?"


Don't mind any bad grammars or weird word placements.

I'm still a bit out of it, since I'm still a tad bit sick.

Word count: 811

A Strange Dilemma [Immortal Tommy] PausedWhere stories live. Discover now