Chapter 1 (Rental Problems)

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I've changed my writing styles a lot huh? But still pretty cool.


Tommy​ look up to the building that would be his new home.

Crack walls, moldy windows, leaking pipes. why did Tommy choose this apartment, there's plenty of other ones that looks better, but for some reason this one just seems familiar to him, he can't put his finger on it.

Tommy sighs, he flip his hood up and walk inside.

The desk lady greeted him with a scoff, holding a cigar in her hand, flicking the ashes on the desk.

Tommy gave a slight bow before headed towards the stairs.

His backpack, packed with all sorts of things, weapons, cloths and some more important stuff that Tina gave to him.

Before coming here, he'd lived with Tina for so long already, and he was just kicked out for being a bum.

Tommy sigh, climbing the stairs. He look up to the never ending, stretched on stairs. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his apartment keys.

8f, r20, was written on it.

Great he's on the 8th floor, this would be fun. On the bright side, it's good exercise, but on the flip side, he didn't need exercise, he's strong enough to jump this whole stair to the eighth floor but that would take the building down.

He groaned, as he slump over, grabbing his bag handle.

He grumbled with each step he had to take.

"UGH, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STAIRS!!!", Tommy shouted, his voice echoing through the building, making him cover his super sensitive ears.

By the time he reached his floor, his bag was thrown onto the door, letting out an angry shout.

"GOD DAMN IT!?", He shouted, before slumping over his crouched legs, huffing out his last grumble.

Tommy calmed down enough to stand back up and pick his bag and swung it over his shoulder.

He pushed the door to his floor opened.

Two people greeted him, one was a tall male with a masked on, his eyes were heterochromic, one being green, whilst the other was red, and the other one was a smaller male, a goggle on his brunette head and soot all over his clothing.

"Hey, you new around here? Cause I just heard you screaming", The smaller brunette asked, his tired eyes closing half way to his sentence.

The tall one nudge the half sleeping boy awake, before continuing his own words, "Well, uh, it's nice to meet you, screaming man, where exactly do you live? I mean, which apartment are you from", The tall one said.

"Well, it's room 20 right at the end there", Tommy pointed towards the end of the hallway, which was his room, it was a nice looking room, better than the ones that these two came out of.

"Ah, so you're the new neighbour, great now I gotta have a neighbour that screams every single day", Tubbo grumbled, turning his back and headed towards his room, the tall one follow behind.

"Just don't make a lot of sound ok?", The tall one, said, before closing the door behind him

"Hsh, not even a greeting?", Tommy muttered, walking down the hall and passing by other apartment.

"My names Tommy!", Tommy shouted at their door, after passing it.

He stood in front of his new apartment door, his keys in hand, as he nervously place his key in the door.

He pushed it open after hearing the click.

The apartment looks clean, like someone had been in here before.

Expensive furniture furnishing the apartment.

"I thought they say, no one have lived here ever before", Tommy stepped inside, flicking the lights on, and watched as expensive furniture shines and blinded him.

He kicked the door close with his feet, hearing the click, he drop his bag on the floor, and start walking around.

The area looks familiar, like he was the one that furnished it.

"And there", An echoey voice said from the living room.

Tommy look over the wall that block his view of the living room.

A translucent him stood over a picture frame, looking proud of himself, but changing the frame to left a bit.

"This looks better right?", The other Tommy tilted his head.

Tommy walked over to the transparent Tommy.

The moment he step foot into the living, the translucent Tommy dissipate into the a smokey dust.

Tommy blow the dust away, coughing a bit, he look at the table that the translucent Tommy placed down.

The frame had a picture of him and the other immortals.

He freaks out, no one had ever known who the immortals were and here it was, a picture frame of all the immortal that had lived were in this picture frame.

Tommy scan the room, seeing multiple picture frame everywhere.

Whoever this other Tommy is, he definitely knows about them.

Tommy took out his phone and scroll through the contact and click on the one that said Puffy.

Puffy said she was living near by and she was happy to give him a helping hand at moving into his apartment.

He called her, a few second of ringing later, he heard.

"Tommy?", The voice of Puffy called out on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, Puff, Can you come to my apartment? Floor 8? Room 20?", Tommy said, pacing around the apartment floor.

"Is something wrong?", Puffy asked, a chair that she was sitting on fell down as she stood up abruptly, it could be heard over the line.

"Yeah, no, just come over", He said.

"Alright", Puffy said, hanging up.

Tommy huffed and place the phone down, looking at the frame on the table.


Weird chapter that is only in the rewrite.

But if any of you are confused about what's happening, I suggest you look at the original one, so it'll make sense more.

Word count: 979

A Strange Dilemma [Immortal Tommy] PausedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora