Chapter 7(Technoblade)

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Tommy​ woke up to incredibly loud snoring.

Who is snoring so loudly, he thought, turning himself around but he fell off the bed.

He groaned, as he got up slowly, his head throbing with all the noises in the morning. He curse his good hearing.

He knows that Wilbur doesn't snore, or maybe the sound blocker that Tina gave him is malfunctioning.

He didn't care, for now, he's going to look for the source of the snoring, maybe he'll get rid of the person that's snoring as well.

He sigh, and got dress. Putting on his red baseball T-shirt, he realized how dirty it was, so he can't wear it today.

He sigh again, and took the shirt off. Rummaging through the closet, he saw a nice red shirt, but it's a button on one.

Who​ cares, well, he does, he didn't want to look too formal, so he just decided to look for a jacket to cover it up.

He threw a couple of clothes on the ground, ones that were out of fashion.

He finally spots a good looking jacket, it was a cool leather jacket that looks new but old at the same time, and Tommy thinks it's pretty cool, so it opted for this cool leather jacket.

Putting it on, he could tell that it was newly made, but he didn't even bought it, whoever was the old owner of this place, really is a fashionable person, well, not as fashionable as Tommy is.

He smiled, as he look himself in the mirror, "What a nice looking man you are today", He said, complimenting his style of clothing.

He chuckled as he walk through his bedroom door.

"Good morning, little gremlin", Wilbur greeted, eating a bowl of cereal.

Tommy look at the bowl, he's going to have to wash that didn't he.

What ever, he's going to be late for his morning shift at bad's bakery, the Egg's Bakery, who names their shop the egg anyways.

"You're the gremlin, you're the one who came into my house and stole my milk and cereal", Tommy said, rolling his eyes.

Wilbur almost choked, "Damn, did someone pissed in your cereal? Why are you so cranky in the morning and-",​ He said, looking Tommy up and down.

"Well, you", Tommy said, taking his keys and bag.

"You look very fashionable this morning, child", Wilbur said.

"I'm not a child", Tommy spat back, opening the window in the living room.

"Wait, where are you going?", Wilbur asked, watching as Tommy put one leg out.

"Right, here, I'm coming and going by the window", Tommy said, tossing the keys to Wilbur, who slam the bowl down and caught the keys.

"Wait-", before Wilbur could say anything more, Tommy was out of the window.

Wilbur ran towards the open window, just in time to see Tommy land on the ground, with not a single crack on the ground nor a gust of wind.

"What the fuck", Wilbur muttered, watching Tommy disappeared.

What did wilbur just see.

Tommy​ sneakers, looking at Wilburs confused face. God he finds that funny.

He came to a stop in the alleyway, making sure that not a single camera caught him going in the speed of light.

He readjusted his bag, before walking out like nothing had happened.

He look around, noticing a couple of people walking down the streets with him.

One of them seems to have pink hair, but some strands of red, it must be a form of albinism. He'd seen these types of albinism in piglin hybrids before.

Piglin Hybrids always have red hair but due to these types of albinism, their hair turned pinkish, like those of purebred piglins.

But seeing as there are red strands of hair, the dude probably wasn't recognised as a purebred.

Tommy felt a bit sorry for the man but this dude is insanely buff, like he can level a building in one punch, buff.

Tommy sigh, as he waited on the crosswalk.

The pink haired man stood beside him, looking rather menacing and huge, next to the small framed Tommy.

"Uh, you go to the gym often?", Tommy started.

The man seems to stiffen up, the unexpected conversation caught him off guard.

"Yeah, being a body guard and all", The man said.

"Heh, the person you bodyguarding's a dick?", Tommy​ said, chuckling.

The pinkette seems to sneaker at the comment, "Yeah, he didn't even come home last night, if I find him I'm gonna kill him myself", he said.

Tommy laughed, "What's your name", He asked, looking at the tall man.

The pinkette didn't answer, "Technoblade", he muttered, he wasn't proud of the name, since he got it at the underground fighting arena.

Tommy caught the name, and he realized that the person he was bodyguarding was Wilbur.

"Damn, then that person must be Wilby that's stealing my food right now", Tommy said, walking forward.

Techno stopped, "Are you the one that's keeping him?", He asked.

"Yup, and let me tell you, he used up all of my hot water, he's such a dickhead", Tommy complained, stepping on the road.

Techno didn't respond, he although walk beside the small 'child'.

"I'd suggest you give him back", Techno said.

"No can do, the man will trash my place", Tommy said, his hand slipped in Techno's without realising.

Techno flinched at the unexpected human contact.

"What?", Tommy asked, not realising that he was holding hands with this tall man.

"Your hand", Techno said, pointing at their hand.

Tommy look down, and saw his hand. He immediately retracted his hand.

"You-You know about walking and holding your hands to make sure you're safe right?", Tommy said, justifying his own action.

"Right", Techno said, brushing the incident off.

Tommy huffed, "Uh, well, anyways, we're neighbours right?", He said, avoiding anymore embarrassment, by shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Yeah apparently", Techno said, shrugging.

They had an awkward atmosphere up until Techno had to turn right on an intercection.


Not a ship, just an awkward moment.

I repeat, not a ship.

Word count: 1014

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