⚠️Chapter ten - Prescriptions⚠️

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-after nap-

You wake up, feeling good, feeling refreshed. That was a great nap. You checked the time on your phone and saw it was 2:34pm. Damn. You thought. You slept for a long time. It probably explains the messages you got on your phone.

Bruce Messages:

How are you doing?
Are you okay?
I'm going to assume you went to sleep
Have good sleep


Did you go to sleep?


I have a meeting


You okay?



You still felt tried even though you felt refreshed. You also didn't feel like talking to anyone. Your phone buzzes again.

Harper messages:

I'm coming home in about 10 minutes


I'll explain when I get home



Usually when this happens Harper is having a bad day, feeling dysphoric for no reason, or got hate crimes for being a trans women. Let's hope she is just sick. It's just terrible to think she gets hate crimes for just trying to live her life the way she wants too, by being herself. The amount of times Harper has gotten harassed whether it was online or at work, is too many to count.

You lay on your bed, scrolling through instagram and TikTok. Now you're bored, you just have nothing to do. No one to hang out with. Well, Harper will be home soon so you won't be bored once she comes around. Why am I feeling so terrible today? You aren't usually bored, well maybe you are, but you just feel like shit about you and just you.

You heard the apartment door open end close. You get up from your bed and walk to the living room where you see Harper, crying, her mascara all messed up. She throws her bag on the couch and paces, she was angry and upset. Clearly something really bad happened.

"Woah Harper, what happened?" You ask her, concerned about her.

"I fucking hate people! They just don't fucking mind their own business!" She yells, tears streaming down her face,"I am just trying to live my life the way I want too!! I don't bother anyone else ya know?! I just live and I exist but people are just bothered by me JUST FUCKING EXISTING!"

She paced back and forth. Breathing heavily as she cries. This isn't the first this has happened before. Harper has come home from somewhere like this, crying, frantic. She has a full blown anxiety episode. She destroys things, yells and screams, hurts herself, it isn't fun to witness. None of it is fun. You always try to calm her down the best you can but sometimes it doesn't end well, depending how deep she is in her head, she'll absolutely go crazy. She does one of the three things. One, locks herself in her room and doesn't come out for three days and quits her job, two, disappears for a day or more and quits her jobs, and the third, which hopefully isn't this one, She ends up in a hospital from an attempt.

"Harper, you are you and that's all that matters," You say, approaching her slowly,"No one else controls your life except you and you can't control other lives and their action," She stops pacing,"I'm sorry that you were treated unfairly because people can't understand what we both understand but you are living your true self, and that's all that matters,"

She was still in a panic, just zoned out now. She didn't listen to me. You knew this was going to get worse if you didn't try to act fast. You need her to calm down.

"I can't be myself, I can't fucking live everyday," She cries, putting her hands in her hair,"I just want to be myself why is that so hard to FUCKING ASK!? I JUST DONT FUCKING UNDERSTAND!!" She picks up a glass vase with flowers in it and throws it across the room. It hits a wall and shatters to little pieces,"FUCK THEM!! FUCK THEM ALL!! WHY IS IT SO HARD?! They say the gender I'm born with is unchangeable! WELL GUESS WHAT IM A FUCKING GIRL YOU BITCH!!"

You flinched when she threw the vase and panted, starting to freak out but you tried to act as calm as possible, knowing that if you freak out she'll freak out more.

"Harper, please calm down," You say, speaking softly as you approach her,"Harper, let's do something fun together, something you enjoy, like watch Twilight or go shopping, you know? It will get your mind off things,"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" She screams and slaps you. Your head turns to the side as you feel your cheek burn. You gently place your hand on the side of your cheek, looking down, in shock. You knew she gets bad but she has never slapped you before,"Oh my god...I'm so sorry...I...I..,"

She started panicking. She sat down on the couch, her elbows on her knees and her hands on her head as she stared at the floor.

"Harper, Harper, it's okay, I'm not mad, it's okay," You said quickly, trying to calm her down but it was already too late. You sat down beside her and placed your hand on her back but she immediately stood up.

"Fuck off! Fuck off! FUCK OFF!!" She yells as she runs off to her room and shuts the door, locking it.


Goddamn this chapter and the chapter after this will be dealing with serious topics like this so just a heads up. I will be putting warnings at the start of the chapter so yea.
Anyways, thank you for reading!! :)) hoped you enjoyed!!

Song of the day: Are We Still Friends? By Tyler The Creator

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