Sam Flynn blinked when Tron's face came into view, shock written on his features.

"Wow Allen, I know everyone says he's supposed to look like you. But this is freaky" Sam said wryly. Now it was Tron's turn to be surprised.


A low, incredibly familiar voice, for it was an exact copy of his own, came from behind him.

"That's fascinating Sam but he needs to calm down right now. His systems are overclocked as it is and he doesn't need to be jumping around the room like this" The voice held a mixture of worry and admonishment. But it froze Tron in place. He hadn't noticed the person standing behind him. But he was suddenly too afraid to turn around and face them. Fear, it was a long time since he had felt fear, buried as he had been for so many cycles. It sent his sensors spinning outward and energy pulsing through his system. A gentle hand settled on his tense shoulder.

"Now Tron, I'm gonna need you to lie back down and rest" The voice emphasized.

Tron turned his head very slowly, a face he would recognize no matter how much malware and corrupted code was running through his system.


His creator.

Tron had imagined this moment before, in the rare times that he allowed himself the space to picture a theoretical scenario. Flynn had always wished to bring Allen-One and Lora-Prime onto the new Grid. So Tron always had the vaguest of hopes that one day he would get to meet his own creator face to face. He had so many questions. He had so much to say. He had pictured himself striding confidently up to Allen-One and respectfully introducing himself. Perhaps he would explain the features of the new Grid and get Allen-One's perspectives on his security initiatives.

What he had not pictured was his massively overclocked system suddenly failing him in that moment and his legs collapsing beneath him. His vision flickered and went dark for a few nanos. And he expected to hit the floor of what he now recognized as Flynn's sanctuary.

What he had not expected were strong sets of arms wrapping around his chest, holding him up and helping him on the table. Allen-One held his shoulders while the unknown user he had attacked boosted his legs up into a comfortable position.

"Slow down Tron. We got you" The unknown user said amiably. Like Tron had merely tripped instead of completely collapsing.

"I think he's safe for now. If you three could give us some quiet" Allen One instructed Sam Flynn, Quorra and another program that was looking on in shock. He recognized that program but only vaguely. White hair and suit with wide and watchful eyes.

Sam Flynn shrugged and ushered Quorra and the other program into another room. Leaving the central area with the table empty expect for the three of them.

"I wanna stay dad. I'll help" The unknown user said firmly.

Allen-One nodded and leaned over Tron, who couldn't muster the energy to sit up again.

"Ok Tron, Im going to give you some energy to drink. We've been trying to administer it externally but this should help your systems even out" Allen one said in a slow and patient voice. He had a clear vial of pure energy in his hand.

"Jet, help me prop him up" Allen-One said. The other user, Jet apparently, scurried to the other side of the table. They eased Tron upward and Allen-one gave him the energy. It was shockingly pure and burned slightly as it went down. Tron blinked and –slowly- his eyesight came back into focus and he was able to support a bit of his own weight.

"Thank you" He said quietly to both of them.

"Don't mention it!" Jet chirped.

They laid him back down and Allen-One stepped away for a moment. Retrieving two discs that Tron recognized as his own. He settled into a chair near the table with a slight groan.

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