Tacenda 5

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Tacenda 5

One of the most important things for the nobles is connection and power because you couldn't do anything without it, A connection with someone powerful makes you powerful too, a nobles trust sometimes could be get by just offering them jewerlies but there are nobles whose trust couldn't be aquared by only those things. A rumour could ruin a nobles life despite the fact that it was baseless and the execution is one nobody wants to experience. If a noble is executed, everything they had will be taken away from them and their remaining family will be a commoner, sometimes even worst, they became slaves if somebody wanted them or become a beggar on the streets. For a noble , actions must always be calculated in order not to make mistakes and create any rumours but there are just people that no matter what you do, you couldn't control them.

Rumours will always circulate around their circle. Some nobles favours are easy to win over and Mikasa is taking advantage of all the things she have learned , using all of her assets to her own advantage. The rumour between her and the Crown Prince engagement hasnt died down a bit but it's alright for her because it turns advantageous in her position, although there is also some bad news about her, it's inevitable anyway and she had no time to mourn about her broken heart, she had a lot of things to do and weeping because of a man is not included in that thing but despite that, she couldn't help but feel so low at some times.

A Noble's job is to be powerful, to have a lot of assets and connections to make themselves powerful, she being her fiancée has to earn that position and she did earn the favour of a lot of nobles. She was bounded to the throne as such a young age, being the Fiancée of the Crown Prince she has to act according to the rules.

She's called the Rose Lady, Rose as she was Red and beautiful, a lady with burning passion and her love for the Prince couldn't be compared to anyone. The red rose buds signifies the beauty and purity just like she is, the Princess Ackerman smiled as she look at herself in the mirror, beautiful as always, a graceful princess and has been crowned as the Most beautiful woman of their genaration.

A smirk made it's way to her facial features. She had the people behind her to support her desicions, a family only lower than the king for a very few thing, they could be called as Rich as the Royal family is but nonetheless, their family didn't care about being higher than the king, A revolution would do them no good. 

"Princess, The carriage is Ready." Mikasa smiled as she look at Sasha who is wearing a beautiful green dress that compliments her figure very well, her hair kept in a tight bun to avoid inconvenience, Mikasa nodded at her.

"You look so pretty." She complemented Sasha as Sasha blushed in her sudden words, denying the fact that she is really a beautiful woman with a wide smile on her face - as if contradicting herself.

Mikasa snorted at that but she didn't say anything.

" You also look really pretty in that dress Princess."

  She's wearing a white off shoulder dress and a choker necklace that has white pearls on it, she is also wearing a pair of white silk gloves that cover up her slender fingers. Her long black hair is down, some of the hair is braided by the maids into a beautiful Ladder braid, her make up is done so beautifully that maoes her beaity shone even more, the maids fawning over her ajd praising her, complementing her as they arranged her. The Princess smiled at their compliments.

"Well , let's get going Sasha." Sasha smiled and nodded, holding the Princess hands in hers as they walk to the carriage and the Cochero opens the door for them, They entered the Carriage and sit side by side each other.

"Sasha ." She suddenly called and Sasha looks at her with a puzzled look. "Did you ever considered getting married?"

The question surprised her but she still answered her in the most honest way. "Ahh, I don't think so, why do you ask Princess? Are you and Prince Eren getting married in the summer?" 

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