Tacenda 4

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               ||Tacenda 4||

The rumours had spread. Like a virus in the whole town that everyone on every streets talks about it and it couldn't be help that the news that she heard it too. The Earth has ears and the news has wings, meaning thay it travel fast.

"Lady Historia and Prince Eren together? What?" Mikasa could feel her heart breaking in a million pieces.

She felt her bones getting weak as she sighed, her breath shaking in anger and sadness, the tears fepl down from the cornor of her eye which she wipe immiledietely but the tears just keep falling downnand Mikasa could feel herself breaking appart.

She's a tough woman but it doesn't meannthat she doesn't feel it because as the time passes by, the pain only become less and less bearable and it's stupid for her because it should be the other way around. She lay on her bed like a lifeless doll, her hair is scattered everywhere and her silk gown is crumpled, she didn't bother covering herself up, since she is the only one inside of the room. Mikasa bit her lower lip when she could feel her tears building up again, she love him, she truly love him and she knows she could give up everything for him but for what?

For her heart to break into a million pieces? But she knows she couldn't be like this for the rest of her life, miserable and grieving for that love he couldn't give her.

She doesn't even know the reason and she heard that he is with another girl while the two of them hasn't meet for years. Is she really that disposable for him? Are they really  nothing? And their engagement wasn't even off by this time so people will call it infidelity? The people still has their morals intact together so they go around bashing Lady Historia and the Prince.

Mikasa doesn't feel happy nor sad about it, she felt really numb about the situation that is taking place at this very moment. Mikasa stood up when she heard the noise of someone banging the door of her room, so she quickly dress up comfortably before openjng the door for her mother and her father, Mikasa smioed at them, she greeted her parents with a good morning before telling them to sit down so that they could talk more comfortably.

Mikasa is the exact copy of her mother's face, she's a Hizuruan while her father is a paradisian Duke. Lady Mikasa Ackerman, everybody knows that she is a born royalty and everybody had expected her to act very natural about it, The graceful Princess Ackerman as they called her. She's the Lady of the night as they deemed to call her, a woman with captivating beauty, the softness of her voice, she had the voice of a Goddess, they say. Her voice is very soothing to the ear.

Her parents sit down infront of her, Duke Ackerman and Duchess Ackerman shared the same serious expression on their faces.

"What is this rumours that I'm hearing?" Duke Ackerman has always been strict and they had never been associated with any rumours in the past before, they had kept an extremely good record for generation so this sudden rumour stresses the Duke so much, Duchesss Ackerman also felt the same way about it as she knows very well how the society works.

Mikasa sighed calmly, she knows that if she answered on a way her parents doesn't like then she would be in a great trouble.
" So, you have heared the rumour too, father and Mother. "

" Well, ofcourse everyone in town is talking about it. " The Duke sighed in frustration."Please, tell me what is happening. I couldn't just take action when I don't know the whole situation young Lady. "

Mikasa sit infront of her father, the maid served the three of them a cup of tea befire going back to her position a while ago, Mikasa look at her parents eyes.
" The Prince want to annul our engagement but ofcourse I did not accept it, I will only accept it if he gives me enough reason to let go of him. He didn't give me any reason at all. "

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