Tweek fidgeted with his hands before kaughing.

"Alright. Sure."

We finally got to class, and our hands brushed last each other as we walked in.

Thank god he couldn't see my face, but I could tell I was red.

I don't not like Tweek..

I do like Tweek. Like that??


"Watch their gonna come in together."

"Of course they are. And Clyde is gonna stare into her eyes and say something like I'm so I'm love."

As if on cue, Clyde and Bebe walked in holding hands and all of Clyde's attention on Bebe. She smiled and laughed while sitting down in her spot across the Clyde. Ckyde glanced at her and the empty seat I had yet to sit in since I was standing By Tweeks desk. He smiled and sat there still not taking his eyes off of Bebe. She didn't either.
They both wore huge grins and only when the bell rang did they finally pull their gaze away from each other and search in their backpacks for the usual items.

"I guess bye." I said awkwardly going to sit in Clyde's seat, so that I was now facing Bebe. Token came in a little after late for some reason; and he knew as soon as he sat down what was going on.

"No way. Bebe you were serious?" She just smiled and nodded and Clyde seemed to laugh at that.

"You both are so cringy."

"I don't care."

"Me either."

"Aww Clyde babe."

Babe? Already? Even Token was caught off guard, him and Nicole have dated longer and they still don't use pet names.


"Now there's gonna be PDA everywhere man." Token rolled his eyes and sighed. I looked away from the whole group and over to Tweek who sat with Kenny and Heidi. Tweek was looking at Clyde and he laughed at Tolens comment I assume, then looked back at me.

His face turned red and he flashed a smile. I sent one back and his attention seemed to be pulled away from me and to the teacher.

Why is he looking at the teacher?

"Dude." Token shoved my side slightly, and when I looked back at him he glanced to the teacher. So finally, I took my turn to look at him and he was looking right back at me.

"You gonna tell us the answer Craig?"

"Uhhh.." I could hear Tweek laugh and I couldn't help but smile.

"Stop staring at girls and pay attention."

There was a few chuckles and I had to resist holding up the middle finger.
"Heidi? You like Heidi Craig?"

"What? No way!"

"She's the only girl over there."

"Okay so?"

"Your gay?"

"No!" Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Maybe??

I think?

I don't care, but I can't let them know. Holy shit what if my parents find out? My dads gonna kick my ass. Okay nope, I'm not gay. Period.


"AH! S-sorry I c-can't see well back here."

"I'm pretty sure he just has shitty handwriting."

"Excuse me Craig?!"

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