2: Welcome back, sir.

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The master's limo arrived in the driveway around two o'clock in the morning. I quickly adjusted my skirt and straightened my blouse as I made my way down the marble staircase and towards the doors. The house was clean and spotless. The floor had not a single sign of blood and the curtains were replaced with a soft clothing from the new boutique collections. The air no longer smelt of rotting flesh and was instead replaced with the sweet smell of rose and lavender. The master's favorite.

I pulled open the grand doors and the outdoor lights switched on, replacing the hollow darkness and revealing the coal black limousine. I folded my hands and waited patiently for the master to walk up the stairs. Usually at this time, I would be in bed or preparing myself for the next day but tonight was a special night for the master. As long as he's awake, I'm awake.

The sound of laughing reached my ears as the master's crew came into view. The first to reach the doors were the trio of hitmen. A girl led the team, her striking red hair glowing in the dim lighting. She was magnificent. Her beauty was everything, evaporating the air and leaving me breathless. She had nice, thick eyebrows and a perfectly shaped nose. A thick scar travelled along the side of her cheek and disappeared amongst her fiery red hair. The only thing that stood out was the sneering scowl that occupied her heart-shaped lips.

The name of the girl was Nova Ross. But to be fair, she wasn't really a girl. Or they, as Nova liked to call themselves. They preferred the pronouns they/them, and whenever we addressed them incorrectly, they would get defensive. Very defensive. The last man who mistook Nova's gender ended up six foot under. We don't talk about it as he was one of many.

Nova gave me a sneer as they passed by me. I returned it with a slight nod, my face blank with emotion.

The two other hitmen stumbled behind, their steps wobbly and uneven. I immediately recognized them as the Leckey twins, Jack and Charlie. They are the top hitmen in the business, only second to Nova Ross. They were decent with their shots and never failed a mission. Although they were good hitmen, the twins were pretty much idiots. They worthlessly bargained in their free time and helplessly scrambled for girls to terrorize and satisfy their ghastly pleasures. It was horrific to watch.

The twins drunkenly staggered towards the doors, hooting obscuring words as they disappeared inside the house. I refrained from rolling my eyes at their idiocy.

Vanessa Hills appeared on the front step looking as fine as ever. She was the master's romantic partner, the love interest. I felt a poisonous pang of envy at the sight of her. She was too perfect. Her soft, chestnut hair fell passed her shoulders, glinting in the moonlight and revealing her natural highlights. Her evening dress pressed tightly against her perfect hourglass figure as she moved ever so gracefully. Her mint green eyes twinkled effortlessly.

I stepped forward and extended my hand, gesturing towards the pricy jacket that wrapped around her shoulders. Vanessa pulled it off and placed it in my arms, smiling gratefully as she stepped into the house. I clutched the jacket tightly to hide the burning jealousy.

Everyone knew that the Mafia has a hierarchy. You'd expect the master to be at the very top, but those in the group know better. Because in reality, there is nothing scarier then the master's partner. They are the only person who can oppose the most dangerous man in this game. They can make him behave with just the slightest glance. Even on his worst days, the master can't help but bend to her will and follow her every request. Vanessa knows the power she held. She could easily make someone's life a living hell or give them the best day just because she wanted to. Life was unfair, but at least it's perfect for her.

I turned my attention back to the stairs as the last member climbed the stairs. It was none other then the master himself, Leonardo Hargreaves. He was tired, yet as stunning as ever. He was, without a doubt, the most staggeringly attractive man I have ever laid eyes on. Almost unnaturally so.

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