"The rail yards."

"The salt shed." Riff finalised but the Sharks were confused and weren't too sure what this location was, they didn't want to be undermined in this conversation.

Bernardo looked to his men, hoping that they would know the answer. "Dónde queda eso?"

"Donde esta 57th and the river." His question was answered by Riff, who seemed unbothered at the way he had thrown their culture back in their faces but Quique was not too happy with the unnecessary words.

"Hey!" He stepped up to the other leader but Bernardo restrains him, knowing that this would only cause more problems that they didn't need. They just wanted the rumble to be organised and then they could start prepping for the biggest night of their lives.

Riff held out his hand. "Midnight tomorrow." Not wanting to seem nervous or apprehensive about the agreement, Bernardo immediately took his hand and shook it firmly. "Weapons?"



"Bricks." Bernardo said confidently, rolling his tongue as he stared deeply at the other leader.

Riff continued the confidence streak, tilting his head as he listed the weapons that the Jets were more comfortable using. "Pipes."



"We don't need no-"

"You boys love your knives." Riff interrupted his own member, not caring that he was speaking over Ice because he knew how to work these things and the key was to know what to agree to.

"Tanta mierda que hablan estos gringo's que si navaja, que si mierda, pero cuando ven sangre se cagan encima." Bernardo spoke to his men, his hands held up to stop them from jumping to conclusions before settling an unnerving smile on his face as he spoke to the Jets again. "Better without knives."

Ice nodded in agreement, thinking that that was the best option. "Then it's settled, no-"

"Better for who is the question comes to mind but – no knives." Riff shrugged, knowing not to push on the subject any longer because it would start more arguments without the rumble being agreed. "And no jazz till then, copasetic?"

That was quite possibly the most important part of the agreement. When they had rumbled with the Egyptians, all sorts of fights had happened before the one to end everything; not only had he been jumped in the alley but his girl had been attacked and he didn't want anything like that happening again. The Sharks were at the dance, they knew what mattered most to him and he wasn't going to let them use it against him. He was prepared this time.

As soon as the three men were out of the bathroom, Action and Ice practically jumped on their leader because they were not happy with the terms that had been agreed. They knew that the Sharks would bring knives and then they wouldn't stand a chance, they weren't as skilled as the trained fighters and it was going to be hard for them to compete if their specialised weapons were being used. As much as they trusted the experience of their leader, who had been there for several different rumbles and had managed to win them all; they couldn't help but feel that there was something different about this one and they weren't too thrilled about what lay ahead.

"Riff, I don't know that about knives, that was-"

Action jumped to interrupt Ice, getting in Riff's face and spitting nervously. "Them spics sleep with their switchblades in their teeth, they ain't gonna leave their knives at-"

"Action, Action-" Riff attempted to calm his guy down as Bernardo poked his head back around the corner and left them silent, not wanting him to hear what they were talking about or to see them looking nervous for the rumble. Bernardo seemed to smirk slightly, hearing their worries but not addressing them as he had other things concerning him. "Your friendly friend?"

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