viii. kill your darlings

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( the mark of athena )


EZRA MIN SERIOUSLY REGRETTED STAYING behind, the moment Coach Hedge approached her, determined on trying to spar against her. In his words, Ezra was slacking, no chaos around for her thrive in so it seemed the stupid goat was determined to create some.

Thank god for Annabeth; the moment she caught wind of Hedge herding Ezra towards the dining area, she quickly made up a series of excuses on needing Ezra's help. Thank the fucking deities for her intervention, if not, the daughter of Hera would have happily stabbed the overgrown goat.

"Ez you need to calm down," Annabeth hummed, gently steering Ezra away from the taunting of Hedge, hands tightly pressed to her hips; she had learnt the hard way when she and Ezra were only thirteen years old. She wasn't too keen to renact the experience almost four years on; supplies were limited, unlike in Camp Halfblood where it was a free for all for Ezra Min.

Here she had to be cautious, keep Ezra's vengeful outbursts to a minimum. Annabeth wasn't too keen to see Ezra stab anyone of the seven or Hedge.

"I am calm!" Ezra spat, ripping herself from Annabeths arms to stomp across the deck, trying to cling to some semblance of sanity. Something felt off, something felt wrong, Ezra wasn't sure what it was but her ever since her sisters and the others left, Ezra couldn't force her body to relax. Her instincts were screaming, itching to attack when she couldn't even identify what was wrong with her.

"Spitfire," Annabeth gently spoke, slowly approaching the daughter of Hera, wary of a sudden attack, she softly took one of Ezra's hands in her own. "It's okay, whatever's bothering you we can work out together."

"HOW!" Ezra hissed, fingers anxiously digging into her palms, her body swaying from the jitters of chaos, spreading through her body. She didn't understand it, as far as Ezra could tell she was fine. Annabeth was safe. One of her best friends stood attached to her hip; the other with one of her sisters.

Yet, instead of feeling rational and at peace, Ezra felt restless, ready for a possible attack. Her chaos was out of control, seeking to protect it's daughter from the unknown, unregistered attack waiting to present itself.

And through the haze of it, through Annabeth's distant words, Ezra felt it; a cold presence filtering itself in her mind, overpowering her connection to Percy.

Danger. Annais was in danger.

And so the madness won, the chaos bowed down. In the blink of an eye, Ezra roughly pulled herself from Annabeth's arms, charging towards the direction of the stables. Her movements were instinctual; the gift of Hera guiding her child through the movements, protecting her from the unknown.

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