vii. gaining momentum

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( the mark of athena )


IN THE HAZE OF THE night, it was easy for someone to sneak around the Argo II and not get caught if they were clever enough. However, say if someone decided to sneak up on Ezra Min ... well they'd be best hoping to leave unscathed. No fool tempted the beast, not unless they wanted to be baited.

So when Ezra Min heard two separate set of footsteps, she reached forward for Penelope's hair clip, spinning it her hands, once as the edge of a carefully sharpened dagger revealed. Assuming a fetal position, her body curled into a ball, her body prepared for an attack.

Then she heard Melanie's quiet curses, Annais' harsh voice hushing her. Huffing, Ezra spun the dagger again until the hairpin remained.

"Ez!" Mel hummed, clambering in beside her, her arms settling around her waist.

"We need to do something", Annais had insisted, voice barely reaching above a whisper, in contrast to Mel as she tucked herself beneath the covers of Ezra's bed. "We must be here for a reason."

"I've been thinking the same thing", Mel admitted from the other side of Ezra. She now had her head resting on her shoulder, a comforting weight to bear. Ezra, hummed only vaguely listening as she twisted Penelope's hairpin between her fingers, her mind racing with the possibilities.

At last, she broke the silence, wrapping the blanket around Annais tighter as murmured. "What do you have in mind?"

Which brought them to the next morning, Annais standing with all eyes on hers.


AT THE END OF THE DAY, as the sun began to set and New Rome was left far behind them, the seven and the Mins gathered below deck for dinner. Gleeson was up above them guiding the ship while they ate and caught up on the events of the day, from what happened with the Romans to their quests for tar and bronze. From what Ezra was able to put together, something had possessed Leo while he was on board the Argo II with Octavian and Mel, forcing him to lash out against Mel, the only person who could recognise spirits and expel them, then fire on New Rome once she was out of the way. Still, even with this knowledge, there was an obvious tension between Mel and her boyfriend. She couldn't quite meet his eyes, not even as he reached for her hand on the table and she shuffled away, hiding away behind her sisters.

And the tension only got worse as Jason and Percy stared each other down, having gone to sit in the same chair at the head of the table. Two obvious clashes of power just waiting for the other to bow to them. It was only a matter of time, really, before the storm bubbled over.

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