point break

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Midori was sitting on the stairs to the roof all alone just a day before the end of training camp. Suddenly she heard footsteps and looked at the direction it was coming from.

"Hey! Alone?"

"Yeah! You're alone too.... Where's Bokuto?"

"Well he is practicing with Kuroo-san as usual" Replied Akaashi sitting beside her.

There was a moment of silence and he looked at her face admiring it.

"So Tendo?" He asked after sighing.

Midori looked at him and gave him a closed eye smile.

"Yeah!" Then she opened her eyes and took time to memorize his features "It must b very hard for you isn't it? I swear I didn't plan on you getting to know like that....." She looked away, looking at her lap "I wanted to tell you myself"

"It's ok... you had nothing to do in that regard..." Akaashi put his hands on her shoulder, giving her a side hug, while pulling her close. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"So are we good?" She asked

"We were, are and will always be good" Akaashi smiled even though he was in pain on loosing the one thing he loved so much.

There was a rushing footstep heard coming towards them but they didn't bother to change their position. Midori and Akaashi were always very comfortable with each other. Even before coming into relationship Akaashi was the only man she relied on blindly. for Akaashi she was the only person he shared his worries with.

"Midori what the fuck!?" Asked a restless voice

"What?" She asked confused

"Why are you with him? The whole school knows you guys dated..... why are you leaning on him?" Asked Tendo

"Well he is my friend and I'm comfortable with him, that's why"

"You had me to comfort you"

"Sato are you doubting me?"

"Well what will a guy do if he sees his girl leaning on her ex"

"You know what, just shut the fuck up and get the hell out of here.... you're out of your freaking mind!" Midori shouted and this took Tendo and Akaashi off-guard

"Well fine than.... Enjoy you two." And Tendo left.

There was again a moment of silence when Midori let out a sigh in frustration.

"I'm so sorry, you both got your first fight because of me"

"Hey don't sweat... Tendo, well he is always a bit insecure. He compares himself too much with others. All this happened cause of his childhood bullies. He will be fine, he needs time to process" Midori explained

"Yeah I guess so... well, lets go down, you need to rest, you're leaving tomorrow"

"Yeah... goodnight"

A/n: So guys..... here is the thing.... Midori will have another relationship in this story and it will get a little spicy......
I hop you guys don't mind.....

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