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"Huh? Shinsuke?" Midori asked staring at her brother who followed her to the fountain where she was filling the bottles after leaving the gym. She stopped what she was doing and bowed to her brother "I'm sorry for lashing out earlier. It'll never happen again, I promise."

"Midori can you answer a few questions of mine?"


"I want you to be true"


"Why are you always so formal with me? I have been noticing you since you came here. You were all fine after I left you in class. You talked with the Miya twins and Suna so fine. But when its me or obachan, you're so stiff. Why is that?"

She sighed and took a deep breath, paused for 5 minutes and then got ready to answer.

"I-I don't wanna return to Miyagi, to okasan and ottosan. I wanna stay here and that's why I'm trying to behave. You-You see I'm very blunt and okasan said you will get fed-up of me because you like discipline and stuff. So I thought I should try and be a good girl so I can live here because that house is a shit-hole" She was shaking by now and tears roll down her cheeks "I guess you got me now... So I... I guess I gotta leave.... Please Shinsuke give me one chance I swear I won't talk like that to Atsumu... I swear I'll be perfect.... I-I promise... I just don't wanna go back"

"No ones going back... You are out of that house and you will never step in there ever again. Be yourself from now on Midori, you're perfect in my eyes and I'll love you no matter what. Okasan, ottosan doesn't know a thing about me. I tried so bad to meet with you but they never let me see you. I'm sorry Midori you had to go through so much but you're home now. So don't worry. Me, obachan, all we care about is your happiness. And also treat Atsumu however you want, the way you treat him is good enough at least I don't have to deal with him during that time. He is such a pain"

"Ni-Nii-san...... Oni-chan... I.... Thank you" She came running towards Kita and hugged him tight. Midori's hug was returned and was much more tighter. Kita had a big visible smile on his face. This was the first time he smiled that way. This was also the first time she ever called him onichan, he never felt this happy ever in his life.


She went back to the gym skipping with her onichan and the smile that Kita was giving made everyone of them shocked. 

"Yo people! Meat buns, my treat, coming?" Asked Midori

"Yosh!" Everyone said along with Atsumu.

"TsumTsum, bold of you to think that I offered you.... but now that you already made yourself invited, like the good person I'm, I'll buy you one too" She said.

"The audacity! and What's with the nick name?"

"Well like you call Kiyo-kun Omi Omi, I thought I'll call you TsumTsum. Isn't that a nice nickname onichan?" She asked her brother

"Yes it is very" Replied Kita

"You know Sakusa Kiyoomi?" Asked Atsumu taken aback

"Of course I do and unlike yours, he approved of my nickname" At this Atsumu gasped while clenching the part of jersey above his chest.

"And here I thought we were best friend"

"Huh! Simp! He kinda hates you to be honest. He was warning me to stay away from you because you're like a cockroach and is about to send me a new disinfectant so I can kill you with that"

"Shut up!"

"Ask him! He said so! I'm telling the truth." Defended Midori

"Well she is telling the truth" Osamu showed his cell phone which contained his recent chat with Sakusa and she was telling the truth "I texted Sakusa and he said yes."

The whole gym was filled with laughter while Atsumu sulked, sitting in the corner.

"The betrayal"


Midori and Kita were home at last with a very satisfied Inarizaki boys VB team because of meat buns and a very nice and beautiful manager.

"Midori..... You should say yes to Naomi-san"

"Who's Naomi?"


"I.... don't think I can. Otosan always wanted perfection and hence whenever I missed a shot I was punished severely. I have painful memories"

"But now you are with us Mi-chan. We don't need you to be perfect we want you to be happy and satisfied. So if you don't love archery then you can surely not join, we have no problem. But if you have love for it than I think it will be better that you show my bratty son that you are better of without them. Ne Mi-chan..... Do you love archery?" Her obachan asked

"Oba-chan.... I..... I think I do..."

"Then Mi-chan you have your answer.... Give them a chance and see what they got, there's no harm in that. As much as I heard from Shin-chan you can be both manager and the part of the team. The school is bending their rules for you. I want to see you play." Obachan turned to Kita "Shin-chan I'll go to school tomorrow if Mi-chan plays"

"Hai!" Said Kita.

"I will then Obachan. Make sure your eyes are on me" Her obachan smiled.

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