Practice ft. Famous

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"Please stay away from me!" Midori pleaded from her brother's back

"But I'm in love with you!"

"Onichan help...... Iwa-chan help!!!" She asked Iwaizumi who was by now fuming with anger because of Oikawa who was disturbing the girl he loved as well. Yes, the team that came to practice was none other than Aoba Johsai.

"Oikawa-san please stay away from my sister, she looks uncomfortable" Said Kita while Iwaizumi hit the back of Oikawa with a ball.

"Aww Iwa-cha- Wait what? What did you say Kita-chan? Midori is your sister? Midori?" Oikawa asked taken aback.

"Yes did I hear that right Kita-san? She is your sister?" Iwaizumi asked again.

"Yes" The two siblings and their team said all together. While everyone in Aoba Johsai were having their mouth opened in an o.

"Well let me tell you something Kita-chan" Said Oikawa broadening his chest a bit.

"Please don't call me like that"

"When I grow up and become a father, I want my kids to call Midori their mother." Said Oikawa proudly and this made Midori angry like hell.

"What did you say?" She hissed with her whole aura turning dark and giving him her scariest glare. Everyone in the room felt shiver run down their spine, even Kita and the coaches while Oikawa was about to faint.

"You fuck face" She made a run for him while Oikawa was walking the other direction to escape her wrath "Come here you brat let me make plates with your useless patella."

"Please leave my knees alone Dori-chan! AAAAAAAAAAAAA~" He ran out of the gym with Midori chasing him.

"How do you know her? She went to Shiratorizawa when she was in Miyagi" Asked Kita to Iwaizumi and the others.

"Oh! She was the crush of Ushijima and Oikawa got to know that. One day we had a practice match and he was teasing Ushiwaka about it when she came inside the gym to hand him her notes."

"Ushijima is her senior what will he do with her notes?" Asked Atsumu joining the conversation with Osamu and Suna.

"Ushiwaka is a dick and Midori is too smart. She was taking advance classes because she already completed her 1st year study at the mid of the year."

"Wow! She is something. Being 1st in class runs in Kita blood" Commented Suna

"So we met her then and fell in love. Haft of Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa loves her while the other half backed off thinking she is out of their league. She is admired by everyone because of the way she played. She was among the best athletes in Shiratorizawa and a representative of the school along with Ushiwaka. We were sure they will soon become a thing." He sighed

"I won't let that happen" Said Atsumu suddenly

"Me neither!" Osamu followed

"Me too!" this was Suna

Soon Oikawa and Midori came back with Oikawa who looked a little beaten up. The match started soon after. In the end Inarizaki won and Oikawa blamed it on the fact that he was beaten up in the beginning of his match and couldn't play his best and it was true. Midori apologized but Oikawa thought it was too cute how she muttered a 'sorry' still pouting and hugged her. This made Iwaizumi, Makki and Matsu angry and he got 3 balls thrown at his directing and they hit.


"She is quite famous" Said Aran

"Oh yeah!" Replied Suna.

"She might be out of my league" Said Osamu with a sad tone. Atsumu was about to say something but the two Kitas showed up.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"That you are out of my league" Replied Osamu not realizing that he was very loud and clear

"Oh about that...... I have a boyfriend"

"WHAT!?" Shouted the whole team along with Aoba Johsai

"What?" Asked Kita taken aback while she gave a nervous smile.

"What?" Asked Kita taken aback while she gave a nervous smile

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