Cleaning Squad

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It's been a week since the end of the camp and the break up as well. Midori is doing fine with almost the whole Inarizaki team looking after her. Her fans have been busy as well, following her, taking her pictures and posting them over social media fan page.

Inarizaki have been practicing hard for the upcoming tournament. Atsumu has been busy with practice and so has been Osamu and Suna. Kita has been keeping them under supervision. Midori had been traying Anya and co. They have an upcoming tournament as well.

Today the Inarizaki boys have a practice match with none other than Itachiyama. 

As the school arrived the players have been busy greeting each other. Midori was out filling the bottles.

"Omi Omi! Hey! How have you been?" Asked Atsumu trying to get close to him to give him a hug while Sakusa got his disinfectant out and sprayed that to Atsumu's face.

"Stay away from me and don't call me that" He hissed and then looked around "Where's Dori-chan?"

"You call her with nickname?" Asked Osamu a bit taken aback

"Well Midori and Kiyoomi are bestfriends so that's how they call each other, there's nothing unusual in it" Shrugged Komori

"How do you know each other?" Asked Atsumu

"Well we went to the same play school when she used to live in Tokyo. We kept contacts and used to meet each other almost every weekend." Sakusa stated as a matter of fact-ly

"Heh! Kiyo-kun!! You are here already! Why didn't anyone tell me that?" Midori entered the gym and as soon as her eyes fell on Sakusa she made a run for him while he turned around and smiled. 

She stopped in front oh him with open arms.

"As if Omi-kun will ever hug you" Commented Atsumu but non of the two bothered to give him any attention. 

Sakusa got his disinfectant out and Atsumu started chuckling, thinking that he will spray it on her face. Midori closed her eyes and mouth, holding her breath while Sakusa spread it all over her. After he was done he raised his arms in air while Midori opened her eyes and hugged him.

And to everyone's surprise.....

Sakusa hugged her back

"HEH!!" Shouted both the twins and Suna, shocked to see this while Komori only laughed at their reaction.

"How have you been?" Asked Sakusa still hugging her

"I'm fine! I'm ready for the nationals and so are both my teams... I'm very proud of them" She replied

Listening to her, made an arrow strike everyone's heart while the three 2nd years were clenching the cloth above their chest

"Midori~" The say with glittering eyes

"Good for you.... I'm not gonna go easy on them just because they are your team." He told her, giving her a lopsided smirk which she returned.

"You don't have to...." She replied with pride.

The match soon started with both the teams glaring at each other. First set was won by Inarizaki while the other two went to Itachiyama. At the end both shake hands and helped cleaning.

Midori and Sakusa were putting extra efforts on cleaning at the moment. 

"you know you both don't really have to work this hard?" Said Kita

"But we are the cleaning squad" the both replied

"Cleaning squad?" Asked Osamu to Komori while the rest joined their conversation

"yeah.. When Sakusa joined the playschool, he was always found cleaning everywhere he used to sit and stay away from people. Midori noticed it that Sakusa was always so alone. Then one day she went to him and asked him if she needed any help with the cleaning and that made Sakusa look at her with glittery eyes..." Komori Smiled "Never in his life did anyone ever raised a helping hand towards him, they either called him weird for his attics or told him to stop and not bother. She was the first who encouraged him rather than trying to stop him." he paused

"That's how they became friends.... Midori was the first to accept Sakusa the way he was... He wasn't a player, he wasn't famous, he was just a weirdo and she became a weirdo for him" after ending the sentence Komori went to change leaving the Inarizaki team to think

"She is really very considerate of others" Commented Atsumu while Osamu and Suna nodded

"She's kind" Added Suna

"She like eating as well" Stated Osamu out of the blues which irked Atsumu



The twins started fighting while Suna got out his phone to record.

"how do you tolerate them?" Asked Sakusa sweatdropping at the scene

"Violence is the key!" Replied Midori giving her villainous smirk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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