Chapter 26

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We all were having so much fun but moon goddess has written something else for us. I sent Danny alongwith his parents to our room and went outside with my father. I saw pack members fighting with rogues and saw Noah and Leo fighting and orders Ava to take pups, pregnant women's to safe room. Emily and John were killing one of the rogues. I instantly saw their head standing there and smirking at me. Within a seconds he was running towards me and i transformed into my wolf and attacked him.


Right now my parents were seeing room but my mind was constantly going towards the war that is happening and as Luna i am not able to do anything.
"Danny, are you ok?" Dad asked.
"Y-yes" i said while smiling but my parents looked at each other and made me sit on the bed.
"Danny, tell us what is bothering you?" Mom asked.
"Nothing mom".
"You know, that you can share anything with us son".
"Yes mom but seriously there is n-nothing" i tried to convince them.
"Danny, we want to tell you something then" dad said.
"Baby, we kept this thing from you because of your safety" mom said.
"Actually... We know who James really is" and i looked at him in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"James is a... werewolf, right?" i was shocked.
"How did you guys know?"
"We already knew when he first visited our house. Earlier when we were staying with your grandparents, our neighbours were werewolves. They were the best neighbour's we could have ever get and we never told their secret to anyone. We all lived like a family. One day, we found out that your aunt alice is mate of our neighbours son Nicholas. First, we all were afraid of how this will work but later we accepted it and look now they both have three beautiful kids". Mom told me everything.
"Son, we are not against them that is why we have accepted you to be his mate. In the end we just want you to be happy whether the person is werewolf or not" i cried because whole this time I have to kept this from them.
"Son, we kept this from you because of your safety but as we have seen James really loves you alot we were not able to resist to tell you the truth" mom said and kissed me on forehead. I hugged both of them.


The war lasted for 2 hours but in the end our pack won and I broke their leaders head which indicated the end of fight. There were some casualties and were sent to pack hospital. As the war end I immediately ran to my room where I saw Danny and his parents talking. As I entered they all looked at me and danny ran towards me while checking my injury.
"James, are you hurt anywhere? Let me call the doctor...".
"Shh, i am fine. See nothing is there. Don't worry" and kissed on his lips.
"I missed you".
"I missed you too".
"Sorry to interrupt both of you but I think we should leave and it is very late as well" Danny's dad said.
"You can stay the night here".
"Oh no son, it's fine we'll take a leave. Take care both of u" Danny's mom said and she kissed both of us on our forehead.

After they left, danny told me everything on how his parents know about werewolves. I was happy that they are not against it and had given a chance to our relationship. I promise moon goddess that I will cherish danny for rest of my life.

It's been 5 months of Danny and me living together. These months have been best of my life and i want this to continue forever. Every morning, Danny would wake up and kiss me on lips before going to shower. He also has taken his responsibility as Luna but not officially. Whenever I am busy with pack work I always try to take out sometime for him. Today is full moon and my ceremony so everyone is busy preparing for it. Danny is downstairs, cooking with my mom while dad is with elders and i am right now with my friends.
"So, James you will finally become alpha" Leo said excitedly.
"Yes, Leo".
"I am happy for you, James" Ava said.
"I will be beta. Woah can't believe it" Noah said and we all laughed at his reaction.
"Yes, my beta" and winked at him. We all were having fun but later went to work for evening ceremony.

When I went to my room I saw a tuxedo on my bed and that moment danny came from shower while his hair was wet.
"Oh god, James you scared me" and i laughed.
"Shut up, now go and get ready. You are going to be alpha try to be punctual" he said putting his hands on hips.
"Ok ok, i am going my...Luna" i said and rushed into washroom. Danny doesn't like to be called Luna so everyone acknowledge him as alpha. But I love to tease my devil.
(After shower James and danny got ready and went for ceremony which held in the backyard. Everyone was present including Danny's parents.)


When James and i reached, he introduced me with other pack alpha's. After sometime James dad along with one of the elder came up on stage and asked James to join him.
"Today,we all are gathered here to witness this world's top pack to continue with a new generation. My son as alpha of Moon stone pack" James dad said in alpha tone and I shivered.
"Now, i request current alpha and future alpha to stand infront of each other and hold their hands" the elder said.
"In moon goddess presence and protection on all the werewolves, we start this ceremony. Alpha Grayson Parker repeat after me".
"I, Alpha Grayson Parker has given all my strength and heart to this pack all my life. Now present this pack under the guidance of the future Alpha James Parker. And wish that he also give his strength and heart to this pack" elder said and James dad repeated after him.
"James Parker i want you to repeat after me. I, Alpha James Parker give all my strength and heart to this pack. And will always stand in front to protect them. I accept alpha title in the presence of Moon goddess" elder said and James repeated after him. As he end his views an electrifying light emerged from their licked hands. And immediately James eyes started glowing.

After James became alpha a different aura was around him. Everyone cheered and wished him. He came to me smiling and kissed on my lips.

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