Do You Believe in Soulmates?

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 It was about a week after Rui got sick, and I successfully nursed him back to health. We slept together as promised.

"Mm." He grunted as I reached for my phone. "What time is it?" His eyes were still closed as he held onto my waist tighter.

"Eight. Do you want me to go make breakfast?" He didn't let go of me.

"Not yet." He mumbled. "We have time." He quickly kissed me on the lips again, and even that alone convinced me to lay with him longer.

"Okay." I set my phone down and looked at my too-handsome-to-be-legal boyfriend. "Rui-kun, it may sound stupid, but can we sleep like this everyday?"

He froze in surprise. "I was just going to ask you the same thing." Another kiss on the cheek. "Of course I would want to do this everyday."

"Great." We both smiled as he stroked my hair.

"Miku! KAITO!" I stopped by the Sekai to inform them of the past week's events. "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"It's alright. Did you go on a date with Rui yet?" KAITO's response was calm.

"Yea! We slept together twice too!" They both stared at me in astonishment.

"You... slept together?" Miku tilted her head to the left. "You've kissed too I assume?"

"Of course." I responded with confidence. "Six times lip-to-lip, about 30 times on the cheek."

"30 times? So you count all your fingers three times to get the number of times you've kissed each other on the cheek?" KAITO asked the obvious question rather seriously.

Miku and I nodded.

Rui and I walked to Phoenix Wonderland together for our next show.

"There our favorite lovebirds are!" Emu yelled with enthusiasm. "They seem to be getting along well! Wandahoi!" She acted like a commentator.

"Of course we are." Rui laughed cutely. "As you know, I wasn't feeling good the other day. Fufu managed to nurse me back to health~" I smiled at him.

I felt our lips meet again. I took a quick glance at Emu, who had nothing but wonder in her eyes. Finally, Rui let me go with a sigh.

I could only imagine what was going through Emu's mind. Did she actually approve of us? Did she want us to go even deeper than that?

As if to read my mind, she instantly replied. "Tsukasa-kun and Rui-kun are such a cute couple!" She lowered her voice a bit. "They should get married soon. They seem like soulmates." Rui and I turned to each other and blushed. Marriage? That would be nice.

"Soulmates? Do you really think of us that way?" I couldn't help but ask her what she meant. I didn't believe her until I looked at my boyfriend's perfect eyes.

Emu nodded with anticipation. "Yes! I could totally see you two growing old together!" I looked at Rui again, this time trying to imagine his older appearance.

Then I smiled. I didn't know if it was his golden eyes or his smile, but whenever I looked at him I got an instant serotonin boost.

Rui made his iconic chuckle. "If all goes right, that will be the case." Scenarios of him proposing lived rent free in my mind. I felt my heart race as I pushed it aside.

"Wonder x Showtime's performance starts in five minutes." The speakers startled us all. "I repeat, Wonderland x Showtime's performance starts in five minutes."

"Bye! It was fun!" Emu waved as Rui and I got in our car.

"Fufu, what do you wish to do tonight?" Rui looked at the clock on his radio. "It's only 7:00. We have time for games or something."

"Any movies you want to watch?" I asked him, wondering what his taste in movies was. "We have popcorn at home."

He smiled before giving a reply. "There are a few." We stopped at an intersection. "I can show you the trailers of each, and you can pick from there."

"Alright." I felt myself daydream about Rui again. Was this what my life had become?

"Oh! We are here." He exclaimed as he pulled into the driveway. We usually used his house due to Saki and my mom being at mine.

He grabbed my hand and held his key in front of him right before unlocking the door. The familiar sense of home - despite it being rather new to me - overcame the worries that I didn't know I had.

He walked me over to the couch and sat me down. I watched him sit down right after me. He got closer and closer until he was essentially on top of me.

He stroked his fingers through my hair. "I love you." He repeated it, sounding more desperate. "I love you, fufu." He sighed. "I've been thinking of what Emu said earlier, about how she thought we were soulmates." He finally looked up at me. "And trust me, I think we are. It's too early to call anything, but I think we were made for each other."

"I think so too." I blushed as I neared his lips. I grabbed his cheek and sighed before looking at those damn eyes. Those damn eyes were the best sight to me.

I felt drunk under his gentle gaze. That feeling made me kiss him. I decided to kiss him once more, then a third time. I kissed him all over his face and head. Lips, cheek, forehead, and his hair. It was multiple minutes before I was interrupted by his phone ringing.

Rui looked annoyed. "It's Nene." He said her name in a rude tone, almost if he didn't want to have any connection to the outside world in that moment. He answered hesitantly. "Yea, Tsukasa's here." I had no idea what he was talking about. "We were about to watch a movie." He looked over at me and smiled. "See you. Bye." He hung up.

About twenty minutes into the movie, Rui hugged me for no apparent reason. "Rui-kun?" He stared at me wide-eyed. "Is something wrong?"

"Not at all, fufu." He purred as he left my chest. "Just... an admiration of sorts." I sensed slight panic in his voice, but I shrugged it off.

We turned our attention back to the screen in front of us, but I couldn't ignore his weight on my shoulder. He was leaning on me.

I noticed the weight increase, so I turned around. I saw his eyes closed peacefully and his mouth slightly open. In an immediate attempt to see if he was sleeping, I pinched him. No response. I paused the movie and picked him up.

"I love you, Rui-kun." I whispered, careful to not wake him up. "If you ever want to, don't be afraid to propose. I would always say yes." I raised Rui's body closer to my neck and held him close.

I opened the door to the bedroom and gently set him down. I crawled in after. His gentle breathing and peaceful face calmed me.

I spoke as I closed my eyes. "Night, Rui-kun." I chuckled lightly. "Emu was right; I think you are my soulmate."

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