The First Date: Part 1

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 "He kissed you?" Miku seemed surprised that Rui would make a move on me. "I knew he was reckless, but I never expected that."

"It certainly was a surprise for all of us." KAITO must have overheard the conversation. "Oh, right. Didn't you mention that you had feelings for him before?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I was afraid to say anything due to me fearing rejection. But then I accidentally blurted out that I loved him a day before he told me his feelings."

"Have you two arranged any dates yet?" Miku asked the question rather causally, but it still managed to embarrass me.

"Not yet. We were planning to arrange something today though." I instantly got happy at the thought. Dinner with Rui? Shopping trip with him? The possibilities were endless.

KAITO stopped me from daydreaming. "Whatever happens, keep us updated! We would love to here about you two's first date."

I nodded my head. "Of course!" KAITO and Miku smiled to that. I looked down at my watch. "I should get going. See you later!" Both of them waved to me as I left the Sekai.

I sat with a book in my hands. My original intention was to study, but Rui successfully distracted me. We were on the phone.

"Tsukasa-kun, are you home alone right now?" The randomness of the question had me shook. Rui soon took it back. "Sorry. Just a slip of the tongue I suppose."

To that I laughed. "Can't be worse then mine. I literally blurted out my feelings for you when you were like a meter away!"

"That is true." He laughed. "It's getting close to dinner. Would you like to go out to eat?"

"Rui." I calmly said his name before returning to my normal voice. "Of course I would like to go!" I heard a chuckle on the other line.

"Well then. I know a good diner. I can pick you up." His voice seemed shaky. Was he nervous?

"Alright. I'll see you then." I hung up and stared out the window. "He seemed kind of nervous." I shrugged it off. "It's normal to be nervous on your first date, so it's nothing unusual." I heard a car pull up.

"You ready, Tsukasa-kun?" The way he pronounced my name was adorable. "If so, hop in." I nodded as I walked over to the passenger seat.

We set off. It was about a 10 minute drive, but it felt like nothing. Was traffic light today? Perhaps it was because I stared at Rui the whole time?

"We are here." Rui broke me out of my trance. "Let's go now." He got out of his car and took my hand.

We walked into the building, still holding hands. I tried not to blush as he tightened his grip. I felt as if the whole world was watching us.

"Are you alright?" His voice sounded shaky again. He tightened his grip on my hand even more. "Is there anything I can do to improve your experience?"

"Not really. It's just nervousness. Nothing that I can't handle!" I went back to being my cocky self hoping that it would ease him. I knew it succeeded when he loosened his grip and chuckled.

"Why do you have to be so cute, Tsukasa-kun?" He sounded like he was only half teasing. I stood there in awe. What could I say to that?

"Rui Kamishiro, Tsukasa Tenma, your table is ready." The waitress interrupted our moment. "Please follow me." I sighed and followed her.

We only let go of each other's hand when we sat at the booth. Rui also seemed hesitant to let me go, but he didn't want to stress me out by causing a scene.

I began reading the menu to myself. They had a variety of foods. No wonder Rui recommended this diner.

"What do you want to eat, Fufu? The dinner's on me." I stared at him like he was insane. The new nickname caught me off guard. "Is something wrong?"

"No. The nickname just caught me by surprise." I tried to chuckle like Rui does. "I think it's adorable!"

Rui seemed satisfied. "It's settled then. I'll call you Fufu."

I smiled at him as I put my hand down, signaling for him to hold it. I lightly chuckled as I let my hand inch closer to his.!

To my surprise, he actually picked my hand up and kissed it. "I love you, Fufu."

The waitress returned. "Ready to order?" She asked politely as Rui quickly put my hand down. He pushed my hand away as he blushed.

Rui took a glance at me. "Yes." He chuckled, but it didn't seem the same as usual. "Fufu~ would you like to order first?" The waitress and Rui were both watching me.

"Sure." I finally agreed. "Can I have some tempura?" I just went with one of the first dishes.

"Sir, what about you?" The waitress turned her attention to Rui, who looked rather hesitant to order.

I noticed sweat forming at Rui's temple. "I'll just take ramen." His nervousness didn't go away despite there being nothing to worry about.

"All right. I will be back." The waitress left us alone.

"Rui." I grabbed his hand off the table. It was hard to reach, but that didn't stop me. "Is something wrong? You seemed nervous."

"I'm sorry." He tightened his grip. "I've just been so afraid of you losing interest if I mess up that I've been pressuring myself to be perfect."

"You would ruin anything." I chuckled. "I know it sounds extremely cheesy, but no matter what happens, we will be together at least!" 

Ruikasa - Theater Kids to Boyfriends?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt