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I woke up in Rui's arms.

As I began to wake myself up, I noticed that I was in a bed that wasn't my own. I would have panicked if it weren't for Rui's ability to cuddle.

"Mm." I grunted, finally looking up to see those eyes. "It's... Saturday... I think?" I attempted to sit up to find a clock or phone. After a bit of searching through blankets, I managed to find his phone. "Yea, it is. And it's 7:37?"

I snuggled back into my boyfriend's embrace. Although it was embarrassing, I could've lived like that. It was so warm and much more comfortable then it should have been.

The difference from then and before was that I had access to Rui's phone.

I spent hours scrolling through his Facebook feed. To my surprise, the majority of it was fan-art of me!

I swiped off of Facebook and went into his photos. I wasn't surprised when his photos were full of images of me during practices and shows. I felt special to him.

"Do you like what you see?" Rui opened his eyes and took his phone out of my hands. "It's all you, fufu." He chuckled as he scrolled through the image gallery. It was all me. "I've been in love with you then I'm willing to admit. I'm just glad that we are together now."

"I'm glad we are too." I tried replicating one of Rui's giggles, which resulted in him kissing me on the forehead. I tried looking away from him, but my eyes wouldn't let me. He was too handsome.

Rui stopped scrolling and stared at an image of me. "This is the first picture I have of you. It is from back when we first met."

The picture was of Emu and I practicing. We were laughing hysterically over a slip up in the script. The memory was clear in my mind.

"That day was when I realized that I love you." He picked up my hand and kissed it again.

Saki and I were sitting on my bed as I rattled off my worries. We had this type of conversation consistently so we could help each other out in times of need.

"I also don't know how to tell Nene and Emu about us." I sighed loudly. "Knowing Rui, he's already planning something. I'm not entirely sure if I should trust him though. His ideas can be insane sometimes." I paused. "More then sometimes."

Saki put a hand under her chin. "It's your choice whether you want to tell them or wait for one of of his 'insane ideas'." She made quotations in the air before patting me on the back. "Whatever you wish to do, I'm sure they will support you! And if nothing else, you have Rui and I!"

I smiled as I reached for my phone. "Now then, when would be a good time?" I entered my passcode and went into the calendar app. "We have our next show on Friday."

"It depends on when everyone is available, but maybe on a practice day before then. That gives you all a reason to get together and it won't be as awkward!" She seemed to have taken my cockiness. "I know you will do great! After all, you are the Tsukasa Tenma!"

"And I am well on my way to stardom, so something as simple as this will be no issue!" Saki clapped, probably because she had successfully cheered me up.

"Exactly!" She cheered as she hugged me.

"Rui-kun! Tsukasa-kun! You came at the exact same time!" Emu was as enthusiastic as ever. "What a coincidence!"

I tried not to cringe. They didn't know yet.

Even still, Rui played along. "Really? That's an odd occurrence. Anyway, let us begin practice!" He clearly wanted to get off of the topic.

I nodded and went to get the props out of the storage room.

"Emu, you are too loud again. Try it again." Rui seemed to avoid criticizing me.

"Alright." Emu was getting frustrated.

"Rui! What did you think about my performance?" Being cocky was harder then it looked. I caught the attention of the others nonetheless.

"It was very...noteworthy." He said in a mysterious voice. I had to fight the urge to kiss him. "I may be biased, though." The girls looked confused.

"Why would you be biased?" Emu tilted her head to the left. "I didn't know you two were close!"

Rui chuckled. It wasn't the same as when we were alone, but it still qualified as a chuckle. "Tsukasa and I are 'close', that's for sure." It was when he smirked that I realized what he was going to do.

Time suddenly stopped as Rui leaned over and kissed my lips. Felt nice as ever, but it felt deeper and more passionate then normal. The embarrassment consumed me as I looked away.

"R-Rui!" I looked over to see Emu covering her mouth and Nene looking irritated. "Did you just kiss him?"

Rui hardly reacted. "Is it weird to kiss your boyfriend?" Everyone - including myself - stared at him wide-eyes. He just kissed me and revealed that we were dating in a minute.

"You two are dating?!" Emu yelled in surprise. I looked to the ground and waited for Rui to say something more. I couldn't wait to leave the Wonder Stage. My bed seemed especially appealing. "Why didn't you tell us before?"

He smiled as he responded. "Well, we just started dating not long ago." His eyes briefly turned to me. "When was it, Fufu? Thursday?" I nodded as Emu began to fangirl.

"Fufu? That nickname is adorable!" She squealed in excitement. "Have you gone on a date? How'd it go? How many times have you kissed?" Emu bombarded us with questions.

"Slow down, Emu." I watched his arm stroke his hair. "To answer the first three, we have gone on a date. It went pretty well." He stopped to think of the last question's answer. "For lip-to-lip contact, it's been three times I believe. As for on the cheek, it has to be at least twenty."

I got immediate flashbacks to the previous night, when I sat in his lap and he kept kissing me. I felt at peace in his gentle care. I certainly didn't feel the same in this awkward situation.

Nene finally seemed to tune into the conversation. "Twenty times? You two have been together for about two days." She shuddered.

"That date must have been great for them then!" Emu added. "They must be really comfortable with each other!" Rui grabbed my waist and nodded. I tried to resist the urge to lean on him.

"Indeed. I'm rather comfortable with him." I felt his grip tighten, as if he was promoting me to say my thoughts.

I gave up and spoke. "I literally fell asleep on him last night." I sighed as I watched Emu squeal. "I would say I'm pretty comfortable with Rui." He smiled brightly as I said his name.

"Have you two slept together?" Both of us were stunned by the randomness of the question. I knew that Rui would tell her about it, and I only half wanted to stop him.

"Last night." Nene and Emu both froze from surprise. "When Tsukasa fell asleep, I didn't know where to take him. So I carried him to my house and let him sleep in my bed with me." I felt myself cringe from the thought of him carrying my sleeping body.

"You've been dating for two days." Nene repeated, clearly dissatisfied with our pacing.

"But we've been attracted to each other for months." Rui added, hoping that it would make us seem less like we would get married in a heartbeat. We probably would if we could, but that just leaves room for divorce.

"Fair enough." She sighed, clearly not wishing to question us more. "I wish you two luck."

"Same here! Give us updates!" Emu beamed. "And make sure to invite us to your wedding!"

"Of course." Rui kissed me on the cheek. 

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