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I slowly looked up...

"S-sehun" I whispered.

"You recognised me? Wow" He said smirking.

I took a few steps back. My mind isn't functioning.
Is it really him? I know I could just leave but my body isn't moving.

He walked towards me and I kept walking backwards.

I could kill him right now, I am Jennie Kim afterall but in front of him, I'm still weak. And I hate that

He opened his mouth to say something but his phone rang.

He chuckled and said "what a co-incidence. It's Chanyeol"

"Don't worry I'll be back" Is what he whispered to me before picking up the call and walking away.

My tears fell.

Seojun POV

"Where is she? It's been 10 minutes" Jukyung said.

"I'll go and check outside" I said as they all nodded and I left.

I went outside and saw her with tears in her eyes.

I immediately went towards her.
"Hey Jen..you okay? What's wrong?" I asked her worried.

She pulled me into a hug and started sobbing.

I just patted her back trying to calm her down so she could tell me what happened.

"What happened?" I whispered in a calm voice.

"H-he's back Jun...he's b-back"

"Shh shh. Who's back? Hmm?"



She nodded.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't worry, I'm here. All of us are here with you okay? Calm down and tell me what happened" I said.

I continued caressing her back for a while.

She broke the hug.

"Now tell me what happened. Hmm?" I said.

She nodded and said "I was talking on the phone. When I hung up I was about to come back inside but I bumped into him. My phone fell down and I told him to watch where he's going because I didn't see him yet. He said something and I froze. When I looked up, it was h-him" She started breathing heavily while explaining.

I patted her back.

She continued, "He started walking towards me. I backed away and his phone rang. Before picking up and walking away he said that it's Chanyeol and that he will come back"

She started crying again.

I whispered "It's okay, he won't be able to find you. Okay? Don't worry".

I kissed her forehead and cheeks before pulling her for another hug.

Yoongi POV

"God now hes gone with her. Great!" Sana said.

"It's been so long. Where on earth are they?" Momo said looking around.

I chuckled and said "let me check"

I went out and saw SeoJun kissing her forehead and cheecks and hugging her.

"What?" I whispered.

I felt mad and hurt. I went back inside.

"Where are they?" Jin asked me as soon as I sat back down

"They'll be back in a while" I said smiling, trying not to show that I'm hurt.

After a minute or so they both came back.

I noticed Jennie's eyes were a little red.
What on earth happened?

"Jennie, are you okay?" Nayeon said.

Soon they all started asking her if she was fine.

Seojun looked and Suho and Jukyung and signalled them to come with him.

They both stood up and said "We'll be right back" and left.

Idk why but I followed them secretly.

"What happened out there?" Jukyung asked Jun.

He sighed and said "Sehun. She saw Sehun"

Now who is Sehun?

"Sehun? Who's Sehun" Suho asked while Jukyung looked shocked and worried.

"You don't remember Sehun? Her ex. They dated for a week but Jen found out she cheated so she left him but he didn't let her go away and tried to..you know what I mean" SeoJun said.

Wait..is it what I think it is?

Suho gasped and said "Oh shit. What exactly happened"

"They bumped into each other. He got a call but before going he said that it's Chanyeol who called him and that he will find her" SeoJun explained.

"She still didn't tell Chanyeol?" Jukyung asked.

"No..she thinks she might destroy their friendship since they're super close. Ive tried to tell her to tell Chanyeol but she is stubborn. Anyways, I'm glad he called. Even when Jennie escaped for there, Sehun left because Chanyeol called" SeoJun said.

I can kind of understand what's going on.

"You can come out now Yoongi" Suho said.


I awkwardly laughed and went towards them.

"Explain everything, please" I said.

They sighed.

"Jen and Sehun started dating back in New Zealand. She had a little crush on him and he was the one who confessed. She agreed to be his gf but barely 1 week i to their relationship, she found out he cheated. She told him she wants to break up. He didn't let her and when she objected, be locked her up in his apartment. He tried to r@p3 her whenever she didn't listen to him. One day he got a call from Chanyeol, her cousin, I suppose you know him. He went to meet Chanyeol but accidentally forgot to lock the door. Jennie then escaped from there and came to my house. She told me everything and I let her live with me for a week or so. One day Sehun somehow found her and came to get her but I'm glad we had gaurds. After that incident, she decided to move to Korea." Seojun explained.

"That mf. I'll fucking kill him" I said

We went back to where everyone else was.

"What took so long?" Jennie whispered to me.

"We were talking" I whispered smiling.

She looked at me with a 'so you know?' look.

I nodded. She sighed.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'll kill that fucker" I whispered to her with a reasurring smile.

She nodded.

Jennie POV

We all bid our goodbyes.

"Yoongi" I called him out.


"C-can you stay with me for a few days Im ju-" I said but got cut off by him.

"Of course, it's fine. Why though?" He asked.

"Sehun is a d-dangerous person. I'll feel safer if you'll be with me" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"Okay. Also get some guards in front of your house okay?" He said while smiling.

I nodded.

The Mafia Queen And King - 𝐦.𝐲𝐠 𝐱 𝐤.𝐣𝐧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant