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?? - Please forgive me Queen, plea-

?? - *chuckle* Oh dear Haruki, have you ever heard Kim Jennie let go of someone who tried to attack her base?

Haruki - M-miss kim please show mercy on me I have a family waiti-

Haruki couldnt complete his sentence when a loud gunshot echoed through the room.

"Clean this mess" Jennie said to the guards and left the room.

Jennie POV

I just got back home after killing the guy who tried to attack our base and steal our weapons.

"JENNIE, COME HERE." Mrs. Kim shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mom?" Jennie said while walking down the stairs.

"Honey, I heard you were going to buy a school?"

"Oh yeah, right, I am."

"Okay but why all of a sudden though?"

"Its the school I used to go mom, so I decided to make it mine" She said and smiled at her mom

Mrs. Kim chuckles and says "Ahh okay, do as you please. By the way me and your dad are going for a party, we'll be back late so take care"

"Okay mom"

The Next Day

Jennie POV

I just woke up and showered. I dont know why but I want to go back to my college days, I didnt have to worry about this mafia shit that time and just live a free life. Now I cant even go out of my house without a gun.

WAIT- SHOULD I GO TO MY OLD COLLEGE? I mean im about to buy it anyway, just a little paperwork is left so why not? Ill make friends who arent mafias for a change.

Time Skip

Jennie POV

I just got back from the school, im about to go to my college from overmorrow. Wait I should probably tell my parents about this.

I went downstairs and called my parents.

"MOM!! DAD!!"

"Lord why are you screaming" said Mr. Kim

"Hehe sorry, I have something to tell you all" said Jen

"What is it?" Mrs Kim said.

"Well uhh im going to college..again?" Jennie said

"Eh?" Her parents said at the same time

"Wait let me rephrase that. Im going to the college im about to buy because..umm yeah no reason. I just wanna make friends that arent mafias..so uhm- yeah"

"Well if thats what you want, you can" Mr. Kim said smiling

"Thanks dad" She said

"Jen you dont have to agree with me on this but I think you should not tell them who you actually are, if you will, they will try to be friends with you and you'll end up with nothing but fake friends who are with you for your money. I think you could pretend to be maybe poor? Or a nerd? Or both?" Mrs. Kim said

"You know what, yes, I do kind of agree with you" Jennie said smiling at her mom

"Ill go and get some suitable clothes and glasses for that" She continued

"Okay honey" Her parents said

Time Skip ~The Second First Day of College~

Jennie POV

I just finished wearing my clothes and this is my outfit -

I just finished wearing my clothes and this is my outfit -

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This is my hair and glasses -

Okay now I should get going or ill be late!

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Okay now I should get going or ill be late!

I get in my car and the driver starts the car.

We're 2-3 minutes away from the school when I tell my driver to stop.

"But Ms. Kim we havent arrived yet-" The driver said

"Dont worry Mr. Lee, I can walk a little" I said smiling and got off the car.

After walking for 2 mins I arrived to the school, as soon as I saw the gate all my memories with the collage came back, I smiled and got inside the college.

Wow, this place has changed a lot but it doesnt fell like it at all

I already got my schedule when I came to talk to the principal about buying this school and enrolling as well.

I dont know where my first class is..I should but its been years since I came here and ive forgotten almost everything about this college.

There is still a few minutes before the class starts to I guess I can find my class till then.

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