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Jennie POV

I started eating my food really quickly.

"Yah yah, calm down. Eat slowly, what's the rush?" Said Irene

I didn't listen to her and finished my food. I looked around and saw that Yoongi wasn't there.

He must be there already

"Im sorry girls, I'll join you guys in a while. I have to go somewhere" I said

"But-" Momo was saying something but I already ran out of there.

I went to the rooftop and saw Yoongi standing there, his back was facing me.

"Im here" I said

He turned around

"So what happened?" I asked him

"I uhh wanted to ask you something.."

"What is it?"

"I lik- no. I love you Jennie. You light up my world like nobody else. When I see you I- something happens to me, my heart starts beating. Your smile could light up this whole town-" He was saying all these sweet stuff which made my heart melt.

"Just fucking kiss me already, will you?" I said.

He smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

After the kiss he asked "Kim Jennie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will" I said and gave him peck.

"Ily" He said

"Ily more" I replied

"Can we go somewhere today?" He asked

"Sure, where though?" I asked

"It's a surprise" He said and winked at me.

I chuckled and said "Okay"

"Oh we should probably get going"

I nodded.

We both went to class and got seated.

"So what happened up there?" Hobi asked me.

"What? Where? What are you talking about?"

"On the rooftop, what happened up there"

"Idk what you're talking about."

"Honey I know everything. He confessed didn't he?"

"Yes" I whispered under my breath but he heard it

He gasped.

"MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" He screamed.

Everyone looked at him, well us confused.

"Sit. Down. You idiot" I whispered.

He sat back down like nothing happened.

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