Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail

Start from the beginning

It's official-I love Marinley.

It's too soon to tell her now, but when the moment is right, I'm going to tell her how I feel. And hopefully she'll choose me to be her Lumin. With her by my side I would live the happiest life possible. I'd get to see Illumia Cove at night too.

How amazing would that be?

"Trust me, that's definitely what I want."

Marinley looked into my eyes as she grinned her signature grin, her eyes slowly moving down to my lips and lingering there.

This is it. I'm finally going to kiss her.

And this time nothing is going to stop me.

I leaned in and she did too, and just as it was finally about to happen, I heard an insanely angry voice call my name as the back door flew open.

The angry voice of my mother.

Great. What does she want now?

"Get in right now Sailor! RIGHT NOW!"

I got up in a rush and kissed Marinley's cheek, apologizing profusely.

"It's okay. It'll happen when it's meant to happen. Are you going to be okay? She sounds pretty pissed."

I nodded and told her to go, and that I would see her tomorrow. She kissed my cheek back and hopped the fence and ran away, looking slightly agitated. I was pretty agitated too.

Marinley admitted she wants me forever and we were finally going to kiss-finally-and yet again we were interrupted. This time by my mother. She never acknowledges my presence but all of a sudden now she's demanding my presence. Angrily too.

I can only imagine what I did this time.

I huffed and made my way inside when she shouted for me again, running my hand down my face as I entered our mansion. I looked over at her and at first I was going to ask what she wanted.

That is, until I saw who was sitting in front of her.

She was holding Strover by his collar and she was beyond pissed. I want to know what she was doing in my room. Marinley told Strover not to make any noise and I know he understood because she's fluent in dog now, so that means she must've gone into my room and seen him.

But in these past few months, Strover had become my dog too, not just Marinley's. He was an amazing dog and I loved him and I won't give him away or send him back to the shelter.

He's staying with me forever.

Just like Marinley.

"I went to find you to tell you your father wants you to go work with him tomorrow and I found this disgusting mutt on your bed. You know how I feel about dogs. I don't care if you have to dump him outside on the street but you will not have a disgusting animal like this in my house. Get rid of him. Now."

I looked at Strover who was terrified and staring at me, his eyes begging for me to help him-to save him.

I promised to protect and save the animals of the sea, but I think protecting those without a voice extends to the animals on land too.

And Strover will not be thrown away like garbage.

Not if I could help it.

It was time to stand up to my parents.

Well, my mother.

And possibly my father if she calls for him to order me around too.

But I'm tired of them controlling me and berating me and treating me this way. No more. I'm going to do as Marinley says and grow a fucking tail. It's time for me to stand up for myself and for Strover. It's time for me to be strong. And I won't break and give in.

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