"Last night I saw the elders and our fathers lying dead in the commons, while wolves fed on them.  We were all running through the snow, trying to hide.  But you weren't there.  You had already been taken away and I knew I'd never see you again."

"Oh!  That's terrible."

Karux lowered his head.  "It's not the first time I've seen this, but it was much clearer last night.  I think it may happen soon."

Charissa squeezed his arm.  "I'm very concerned for you.  I'm afraid these visions are killing you."

Karux didn't respond.

"I think you should put the stone away for a while."

Karux's head jerked up and he glared at her.

"Just for a while, just until you get some rest and get your strength back."


"But Karux..."

"I can't stop.  I can't!  I have to find the one vision that will show me the way out.  I have to keep looking."

Charissa threw an arm around him and held him close.  "But you don't have to do this alone.  You need help."

Karux took her other hand and kissed it.  "I do appreciate you.  You do help me."

"But I can't help you with your visions."

"I'm afraid no one can."

"But Amantis could.  He's willing to help."  Charissa felt his whole body stiffen.

He gave her a side-long glare.  "You've been talking to him."

"Yes, because he can help.  He wants to help."

"No.  He wants something, but it's not to help."

"How can you say that?"

"He wants you."

A jolt of surprise trembled through Charissa.  That couldn't be possible, could it?  He had often been kind and polite to her, but that didn't mean he was attracted to her, did it? The more she thought about it, the greater her confusion.  She didn't know what to think or feel.  "I know you two have never gotten along very well..."

"It's not just some sort of rivalry.  This is real.  I've seen the way he looks at you.  I've watched him try and get close to you.  If you love me, avoid him."

"But he has a stone too.  He can help."

"He doesn't want to help.  He wants you."


Amantis found Charissa during the mid-day meal and sat down next to her.  He leaned in close and said in a low voice, "So, were you successful?"

Charissa looked around.  Nyrana noticed the two of them sitting together and whispered something to her sister, who stared at them, then turned and giggled.  "I tried, I really did.  But I couldn't convince him to give it up."

"You told him the stone would kill him?"

"I told him he needed to give it up for a while to regain his strength."

"And what did he say."

Charissa hesitated, she didn't know what all to tell him.  "Er... he didn't want to stop the visions.  He felt something terrible would happen soon and he hoped to find a solution in his visions."

"And what did you say to him?"

"That he needed help.  That you had a stone and that you were able and willing to help."

KINGDOM OF THE STONE -- a Wattpad featured novelWhere stories live. Discover now