"Thanks Gus." I smile at him.

"Take care Jake!" He grins and waves me goodbye. I put the bags in the back and make my way home.

"Okay that funky music white boy!" I tap along with the song on the steering wheel. In the corner of my eye I see a little brown thing walking along side the road.

"What the.." I slow down and put my hazards on. I get out and I walk to it. It's a small puppy, skinny and scratched up. "Hey little guy." I hold my hand out and he slowly walks up and sniffs me. "Yeah. Im a good guy. Im not here to hurt you." I lean a little forward and start petting him. Immediately he jumps up and starts licking my face. "Hey!" I laugh. He starts wagging his tail and sits. "Know how to sit already huh." I smile. He had no collar and was very malnourished. "Let's get you somewhere safe." I walk over to my car and open the door. He hops in and sits in the passenger seat. I drive us back home.

I pull up and grab the bags and let the dog out. He follows me to the door. "Your gonna have to stay here for a moment." He sits. "Good boy. I will be right back. Stay." I pat his head and his tail wags. I quickly run inside and set the pots down on the counter, and make my way to the fridge. I pull out some lunch meat, and grab a bowl for water. I try not to spill it, and I make my way back outside. When I open the door he's still sitting right where I left him. "Who's a good boy!" I smile down at him and set the food and water down. He goes straight to the water and laps it up. I pull out my phone and send a text to Josh.

Come outside


New friend

I hear the back door open. "Jake?"

"In front!" I yell. I hear Josh walk from the back to the front yard and his eyes widen when he sees the dog.

"What the hell!" He walks over and sits on the ground. The dog looks at Josh and slowly walks over and sniffs him. "Hello!" Josh chuckles. The dog starts licking his face, and Josh erupts in laughter. "Hey buddy!" The dog goes back to the food. Josh looks at me with a big smile. "Where did you get him?" He asks.

"I found him." He looks at me. "I found him walking around the side of the road. No collar." I say.

"He looks skinny." He frowns when he looks at the dog. "Are you gonna keep him?" He turns to me.

"I hope so." I answer.

"We need to tell Bailey!" Josh stands up and calls her, and puts her on speaker.

"Hello?" Bailey answers.

"Bales!" He yells.

"What?" She asks.

"Come outside! To the front!" He yells into the phone and hangs up. A minute goes by and the front door opens.

"No. Fucking. Way." She steps outside. "You got a dog!" She squeals. The dog doesn't hesitate to jump and lick her. She giggles and sits on the ground.

"I found him on the road." I say.

"Jake!" She laughs as the dog licks her cheek. "Down boy." The dog does what she says and he sits in front of her. "Good boy!" She scratches his ears and he wags his tail.

"He really likes you." Josh chuckles.

"All animals do." She smirks. "So. You found him." She says. I nod. "What are you gonna name him?" I shrug.

"No idea." I answer.

"Can i name him!" She beams.

"I guess." I chuckle.

"Copper!" She yells. The dog looks back at her and barks. "Copper it is then." She giggles.

"Copper." I smile and Copper walks over to me and sits. "Good boy Copper." I look back to Bailey and she's looking at me with this smile. The smile wives give their husbands when they are playing with the kids. Soft eyes, soft smile. I smile back at her. "Copper is a great name." She turns red and looks away.

"Jacob Kiszka!" I hear from behind me. I close my eyes and sigh.

"Hi mom." I turn around and stand up.

"What in the.." she looks down at the dog and frowns.

"Before you say no, I found him on the road." She ignores me and bends down and Copper runs to her.

"Hello!" She laughs and pets him. I watch as she scratches his belly.

"Your not mad?" I ask.

"Of course not. Our home is always welcome to who needs it." She smiles down at Copper. I look over to Bailey and she looks like she's gonna cry. I start to lean over to her, but she stands up and walks away. What was wrong?

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