Encounter with Oogie Boogie (But with a twist)

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Status: Request

Trigger warning: swearing

Gender: no

A/N: You'll be dating Lock in this encounter 

"Please people, pleases! We need to come up for plans for next Halloween" Jack cried in frustration as everyone argued over what should be add, Y/N was outside of the town hall picking flowers with the Boogie Kids nearby, Shock was sitting on the fountain while Barrel was joining you in flower picking.

Lock looked at Shock then smiled as he shoved him into the fountain causing him to fall back yelling before making a splash, of course this caught your attention as you see Lock laying on the ground laughing while Shock struggles to sit back up "You jack ass! I had my lollipop in my hand!" Lock got up and chuckled "Then you shouldn't have been an easy target for me" he replied making Shock chuck his now ruined treat at him. 

Barrel rolled her eyes "You two always do something stupid, it's annoying" the two looked at her "Shut up!" they yelled in unison, during their argument Y/N slipped off deeper into the empty town trying to find another clear field to pick flowers at, soon their eyes land on a beautiful lily that had white tips and faded to an orange and yellow in the middle almost reminding them of a candy corn. 

They reach out to pick it when suddenly a laugh is heard from behind "My oh my, what do we have here? *Gasp* Why it's the one and only pumpkin king's child little Y/N! What an honor to see you in person" Y/N backed up as they let out a gasp "I thought my father had gotten rid of you" they mumble "Why, not all bugs crawl~" after he said that a moth slipped through the gaps of his new stitch suit.

"Stay back!" Y/N yells getting Lock's attention "There you are, I was wondering where you w- no.." Oogie Boogie smiled with glee as he turned around quickly to face one of his old worshipers "Why little Lock, it's been far too long since we've last seen each other? What has changed while I was gone, hm?" 

"Get away from them, right now" he tried to say with confidence but ended up making a whimper which made Oogie laugh "Oh your joking, you must be joking?! How can I follow orders from a weak little bug" Y/N quickly throws their flower basket at Oogie to distract him then grabs Lock and ran. 

"How is he alive?!' Lock questions while running by your side "I can't answer right now because we need to get to the town hall" Once they both arrive, Jack is sitting outside while he waits for the mayor to finish up his speech, "Dad!" Y/N screams as they ran and hug him, nearly knocking him over "Pumpkin, what's the matter?" Jack questions but he immediately got his answer when Oogie appeared. 

"Why It's been so long Jacky boy! How have you been?" he stood up straight and stepped Infront of the two of you "Oogie, thought I've gotten ride of you? Seems I need to do the job again" Lock pulled you close to him as Jack got ready to fight but it all fell when Oogie shook his head "Not today, Jack I'm just here to retrieve my children" he raised his eye socket and turned to Lock, Shock and Barrel to who were standing there petrified.

"But why exactly? You were gone for so long, surely you don't need them and I'm positive they don't need you." Oogie laughed "I may not need them for my rituals but... they still are my kids for I have been the one to raise them before you defeated me in our last meeting. Plus, they still live in my shack" 

Jack rested his arms at his side as he glances back to the 3, Barrel says a soft "see you later" while Shock just waved a goodbye, Lock kissed your cheek softly then let you go before following his friends, Y/N looked up at their father to see if he could do anything about it but his only response was a frown. 

"See you around, your majesty" Oogie jokingly teased before dancing away, the two of you stood there before Jack could finally speak "I'm sure they'll be okay pumpkin" Y/N shrugged then looked down to see the lily but now all smooshed. 

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