If you had ADD

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(A/N fun fact I have ADHD and my brother has ADD) 

status: request

trigger warning: Mention of medication

Gender: no

Willy Wonka

He would set up a doctor's appointment after every 2 months to refill your medications and have a talk to see if they need to up the dosage or not, your nanny will also make sure you take your medications on time and don't forget it or else you'll be struggling to stay focus in school. 

After a while he'll notice that you'll throw your medication away and lie about taking it so once in a while he has to chase you around the factory to make sure you take the medication, if not he sits you down and makes sure you had taken it or else, you'll be forced to sit in time out.

Jack Skellington 

Sally of course makes sure that your up to date on your pills and will sometimes take you along on her trip to the doctor to get them refilled, of course some visits he'll test you to see if the medication is working and if it is he'll send you and your doll mom on your merry way (another pun) 

Jack will be sitting in his office as he tries to learn more about ADD seeing what he could help you with, he has found it useful that you mostly pay attention if your rewarded with something after finishing a task or if your allowed to fidget with something while you work. One downside though is when you bounce your leg cause your foot is directly on a loose floorboard, so it makes lots of noise. 

Emily and Victor

They don't need medication in the dead realm but since you seem to need it if you want getting a task done possible, he'll ask Victoria if she could be able to get some from the small drug store in the town. 

Without your medication your usually talkative around your parents, sometimes unorganized and really forgetful of certain things but after you taken it you became very quiet, more focused, a lot calmer and a bit more organized, it was almost as if you were a new person which scared the two a little bit. 


He probably has ADHD so he doesn't really need to change anything about you but if you ask for some medication he'll get it 

Sweeney Todd

Due to you being in private school, the school was hard on you for not finishing assignments, turning in late work, or not fully paying attention to the lessons which causes you to have bad grades which upset your teachers and father.

When he checked in on you, he even noticed how unorganized your room was which made his blood boil with anger, but what caught his attention the most was how you'd franticly look around almost as if you were looking for something entertaining to focus on but after a few minutes you'll try to continue your work once you're done scanning the room.

Sweeney thought and fought with himself for a long time before finally deciding to take you to a doctor to see if they could give you something to help you focus. 

Edward Scissorhands 

Your dad was patient with you when you would become distracted from your schoolwork or chores at home but he soon had to understand that not everyone had the patience like he did so over the days he would try to get you to focus on work but when that didn't work he went into the inventor's room to try and find something.

After a few days of him working he placed a bottle of pills Infront of you... did Edward just make drugs? You thought to yourself but quickly your father had to explain that the inventor use to work at a pharmacy and had to take medication himself, once the pills started helping you slightly he still asked a teacher to help you with work. 

(I know some ADD people don't always take medication, but I had to do this with the knowledge of me and my brother's experience since I was to lazy to do research)  

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