if you got sick

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A/N your 10

Willy Wonka

He would close the factory for the day and take care of you, he wouldn't leave your side for anything at all, your his son/daughter and he's your father

Jack Skellington

Sally would be taking care of you, tuck you in, keep you warm and tried to feed you while Jack goes and finds human medication to give to you.

When jack finds the medication he quickly comes home and gives it to you

Then later that night Sally came to check on you only to see you and jack cuddling.

Emily and Victor

Victor would rest you on his lap as you cuddled into his chest, then Emily would bring you rotten beet soup


Surprisingly your father would take really good care of you, well besides having to sneak into living peoples houses and take there medicine then he would head back home, tuck you into bed and give you the medication.

Sweeney Todd

At first he thought you were just trying to skip school... only for you to vomit all over the teacher, Sweeney carried you home to take care of you, he closed the barber shop for a whole week and in the mean time he cared and helped you.

Edward ScissorHands

He noticed that your skin was almost as pale as him, he called the doctor and the doctor came right away only for them to discover that you had a bad case of the flu and stomach flu, you wouldnt stop vomiting and refused to eat the soup be brought.

Finally Edward got into your bed (DONT YOU DEAR THINK OF THAT WAY!!) And you cuddled close to his chest keeping and taking the warmth he gave off

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