if you left for a while

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A/N your 19

Willy Wonka

He would make sure all your stuff is pack and check if you have it from time to time, when the day came where you'll go out on a road trip with your friends he gave you extra money just in case, he gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the head goodbye you got into the Van with your friends and left.

When your trip ended and you came back you found your father passed out at his desk with lots of cups around him that had little bits of tea in them to help him from stress, you tapped him on the shoulder and when he woke up he held you close glad that his baby had returned home safely.

Jack Skellington and Sally Doll

You and your Boyfriend/Girlfriend were going on a trip for a while, Jack was so depressed that you were gonna be gone.... for half a week, he made sure you packed what you needed and made sure that you had enough gas to drive and when it came to goodbye he held you tight as you and your Boyfriend/Girlfriend drove away.

The whole time you were gone Jack and Sally were at the Docs place hanging out and were planning on making a suprise.

When you finally returned your partner helped unload your stuff and kissed you then left back to they're place, when you looked up to see your father Your eyes widened from what he was holding in his arms.

Victor and Emily

You were exploring the living relm for a while since they finally got use to the dead, Victor and Emily were gonna Visit Victor's parents, you hugged your parents goodbye and left with Sparky by your side to help you.

When you returned you noticed that your parents weren't there, so you went to Victor's parents house and when you saw them your father introduced you to them as they're grandchild.


Your Lover was taking you to the living relm to introduce you to they're parents your father pled for you not to go and that he was gonna be all alone but you assured him that he was gonna be fine, as you were at your lovers house you heard that your father has caused some mischief in a home and you groan and apologize to your lover and they're parents and left.

When you arrived you were met with a girl who had black hair and gothic like clothes on and when you looked up your father was swinging on a chandelier and he looked down at you waving "Hey Bunny how was your visit" you groan and yelled "DAD YOUR EMBARRASSING ME!"

Sweeney Todd

Your father would nonstop ask questions like why you were leaving, when are you coming back, how long will you be gone, what were you bringing and who were you bringing, you finally told your dad to calm down and that the trip was only gonna be for 3 days but that didn't short the questions.

Finally your friends picked you up and left, when you returned you were happy to see your father was working on a client when he looked up at you and waved happily, happy to see his baby back home.

Edward ScissorHands

He didn't understand why you were leaving and thought you were abandoning him which made you sad, it took you hours to explain that you were going to be gone for about 2 days for a school related thing, your father understood and you kissed him on the cheek goodbye and left.

When you came back you noticed that your father was not in the castle, when you went out into the garden you noticed a small group of kids watching him trim the bushes into silly things which caused them and you to giggle.

Tim Burton character parent scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now