Chapter 25 During

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Kyler's P.O.V. 12 months earlier

"Séan," I muttered, glancing up at the clock. "If you want to get to Rantommubb before morning you must take leave now."

"Right," He agreed, sliding off of the bed of the room we'd hidden in. We looked at each other for a moment before Séan wrapped his arms tightly around me. I returned the embrace, squeezing as tight as I could. "Thank you Kyler. For all of your help, and your friendship, everything."

"Happy to do it for you Séan. I love you."

"I love you too." A chuckle escaped his lips, and I felt tears leaving my own eyes, as well as hitting the top of my head. I broke the hug, and handed him the bag we'd put together. "Tell Isablee I'm sorry. And that she deserves someone who will love her properly." 

I nodded, and watched as Séan made his way out the window. Waving goodbye from the 2 story window, I watched as his form disappeared behind the castle walls. I watched as the new born night turned to midnight, and traveled past. Around 2 or so hours after Séan had left I watched another figure walking on the castle grounds. 

I watched the sky for a while longer before going to find Isablee. Yet the thought struck me that I've no idea where her bedroom is. I'd've asked someone around, if there was anyone. The thought hit me in a single wave of realization. Isablee had been the other person I saw running. I don't know which way she went, or where she was headed but Stevie would. It didn't matter now, did it? I suppose not. But I kept walking nonetheless 'til Stevie appeared in front of me, leaving small tears behind her.

"Stevie," I called, but she ignored me. More specifically she brushed past me, little tears flying behind her as she went. I followed her, keeping silent now as I just walked behind her. She 'led' me to the duck pond that we'd found Isablee and Séan at earlier today. She scooped up one of the baby ducks, and held it sitting down on the bench. (Play the song)

I gently put both of my hands under another one of the ducks, and held it close to my chest. I plopped down next to her only moments before she leaned her head against my shoulder sobbing. I did the only thing I could think of at that moment.

"You're alone, you're on your own. So what? Have you gone blind, have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?"

"Kyler what are you doing?" It was barely a whisper but I continued.

"Glass half empty, glass half full, well either way you won't be going thirsty. Count your blessings not your flaws. You've got it all, just lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown. You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head; put all your thoughts to bed, and you can be queen again."

She perked up, clearly recognizing the song. Which made me sweat as I realized I didn't actually know all of it. But I kept on nonetheless. "You don't get what all this is about, you're too wrapped up in your self doubt, you've got that young blood set it free. I don't remember the next bit, I'm sorry." But she continued it.

"You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound." I joined in again. "There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown. You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head; put all your thoughts to bed, and you can be queen.

"There's method in my madness, there is logic in your sadness but you don't gain a single thing from misery. Take it from me. You've got it all, just lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown. You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head; put all your thoughts to bed, and you can be queen." We repeated the last few lines together once more, before Stevie put her duck on the ground, took mine, and leaned against me. I made her get up for a second as I pulled one of my legs up on the bench and let her snuggle against my chest instead of my shoulder.

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