Chapter 5 Rantommubb

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Isablee's P.O.V.

It took me full day and a half to reach the forests of Rantommubb. And once I did, I found a stream. I then washed out the stuff making my hair white -it had been stinging my scalp for ages. I'm sure I left it in for too long.

I set back out to look for the group calling themselves the Hunters. My feet were starting to ache as I continued moving around the forest.

I was right in the middle of a think patch of trees, surrounded by ivy, when I saw it. A large house-like structure made of logs. "This must be where they are," I said aloud, not realizing that wasn't a very smart idea.

"Who do we have here?" A voice asked from above, as a figure jumped down from a tree. I jumped back half a step, my heart palpitating twice.

"Who are you?" I asked back, my hand hovering over the small, sharp, metal rod hanging in my belt. It wasn't a very common choice of weapon, and I'm the only I know of that uses it. It was about the size and shape of a knitting needle, but able to... well... kill.

"My name is Damien." The man explained. "And now that I've told you mine-"

"Miaread. My name is Miaread." I replied.

"What kingdom are you from?"

"Petrei," I replied, saying the first kingdom to come to mind. Damien had decent lengthen deep brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

"What kind of name is Miaread?" A snarky voice from behind me asked. I wiped around to see another man standing behind me. I had unhooked my civers (The knitting needle like weapons I use) and had them pointed at the new man.

Stevie and I had been practicing with the civers for a while, making sure I could use them in every way I could possibly need to. The tip of the civer was pointed at the new man's throat. "It was my mothers name." I hissed back.

"Woah woah woah, calm down kiddo." Damien said, trying to pull my arm back away from the new man. But I didn't budge.

Never let anyone move you. Seth had said it over and over. Damien was still trying to get my hand away from the new man. And I let him. This time.

"Alright Miaread," The new man said, chuckling, obviously amused. "I'm Ace." I just stared at him.

"What do want here Miaread?" Damien asked as I slipped my civer back into my belt.

"I want to join you." I replied. Ace laughed, but Damien considered me. He looked me up and down before squinting.

"Tell you what." Damien said after a few seconds of Ace just laughing.

"You're not actually considering this Damien." Ace countered.

"There's another man who wants to join as well. And if you two are able to work together, and bring me back an entree flower, I'll let both of you in."

"Deal." I agreed quickly. "Who is it that I'm working with?"

"MCCOY!" Damien yelled, and a boy about my age ran up to us.

"What is it?" The man -McCoy- asked. He was a good amount taller than me, with hair the colour of birch wood that waved slightly.

"This is McCoy. McCoy, meet Miaread."

"Pleasurer," McCoy said, nodding his head once. I nodded back, and half-smiled.

"You two will bring me back an entree flower." Entree flowers are small purple and red flowers that only bloom on a specific mountain in Jeeree Detren. No one knows why this flower only bloom there, but no one's found them in any other place.

"You have a week. Best of luck to you." Damien finished, turning back to the house-like structure. "Come along Ace," Ace's purplish eyes lingered on us for a moment before he followed Damien.

"Well then, we had better get on our way." I offered, and McCoy nodded. So the two of us turned, and started to walk back towards Jeeree Detren.

We walked for about 6 minutes before we spoke to each other.

"Well this is a tick awkward," McCoy said, pushing his hands into his pants pockets.

"You're not incorrect." I replied, stepping on a tree root to avoid a puddle.

"I guess I have not- er ha-ha-haaaa-haven-" He groaned, stopping walking to talk. "Hav-av-ha-ha-ha-havvvvvven't. Haven't. Haven't. Haven't." McCoy looked over at me, his brow furrowed. "Haven't?"

"Have not what?" Then I realized why he was having trouble. "Have not. Have n- er. H-haven- haven not. Er, um... ha-hav-er-haven-haven-haven-haven-haven-havennnnt. Haven t. Haven't. Haven't?" I asked back, cocking my head at him, also stopping in my tracks.










We went back and forth saying this for a while as we continued to walk.

"What were we talking about before?" McCoy asked, when we broke the back and forth.

"I do not remember. Do not? Dooon... Don t. Do n t. Don't. Don't. I don't know." Contactions were something I did not... did not. Didn t. Didn't. Didn't use that often. I had been raised 'proper' as Stevie called it.

Stevie... I already missed her.

"Yeah I donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't. Remember either." McCoy agreed.

"Contractions are weird." I half-grumbled, side stepping a dead squirrel.

"I agree. I was not raised using them, and so my tongue is not used to mixing words together.

"I was not either. To take it one step farther, my father would get... well... cross when I did no- didn't use 'proper words'."

"Your father should meet my mother. I am sure they would get along well."

"I do no- don't believe that I've ever actually introduced myself. My name is I- Miaread. I almost tried to curtsy, but was able to stop my instinct from kicking in.

"McCoy," He replied.

"That sounds like a surname. Do you have a given?"

"No." He replied. He wasn't short about it, nor angry. It was just a statement.

"Alright then,"

2 hours of walking later, with occasional small talk, the sun had started to set.

"We should attempt to make some kind of sustenance."

"I agree, although, I do no- don't believe I have any food on me."

"I do no- don't either. We will have to find or kill something."

"Alright. If I get a fire going, and perhaps built something to sleep in, would you go fetch some game?" McCoy nodded, and unhooked his bow from around his body, and strode off into the trees again, almost silently.


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