Chapter 6 Survival 101

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Usual chapters will be 1500-2500 words. These past 5 have been world building/introducing of characters. So you can expect longer chapters as we go along.

Damien's P.O.V. (Ooh new perspective...)

"You're seriously going to let new people in?" Ace asked incredulously.

"Yes I am," I replied, stealing an apple from one of my Hunters.

"Why do we need more than the 7 we already have?"

"Ace," I said, turning to look at my second in command. "Honestly, stop worrying. It's going to go swimmingly. Miaread and McCoy are going to be great additions to our group. We should try to get all of the people we can."

"I don't know Damien. I don't trust them."

"Well we haven't met them yet, and we know nothing about them. They could be exactly the right addition to the Hunters. The people we've been looking for."


"Keep your voice down Ace." I insisted, "Come over here." I pulled Ace over away from the fort.

"I swear to you Damien if you give them those roles I will stab you." He threatened. "I've been training for that position for months."

"And they don't have to. They already know the part. They seem to've been raised 'properly'." Ace seemed to be getting mad.

"Ace, calm down. They might not even come back from trying to find an entree flower."

"Let's hope."

Miaread's (Isablee's in case if you forgot) P.O.V.

Starting a fire is something I ha- I've only done a few times in my life. It i- it's not hard per say, but it's not particularly easy either. Simply time consuming.

But I got it going, and was able to build a decently sized... hut for lack of a better term. I was lining the bottom of the 'hut' with pine needles, when McCoy came back.

"I hav-I've brought you a turkey. I tried for a deer but the turkey scared the bugger away. So I shot him instead." I giggled in spite of myself. "Do you know how to clean a wild turkey?" McCoy asked, placing the turkey on a rock I had found to mock as a cutting board.

"Well I was kind of hoping that you did. I know how to find mushrooms, onions, berry's and things but breaking down meat makes me squeamish." McCoy chuckled.

"It is alright, don't worry. "I ha-I've done it before. How about you go and fetch some mushrooms, or nuts and we can make stew. I may or may not have stolen a pot from Damien before we left. I figured it'd be useful."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed, standing up, and brushing the dirt off of my knees. Then it was my turn to quietly disappear into the woods. It took me a few minutes, but I eventually had a handful of wild non-poisonous mushrooms, and a handful of spring onions. (Onion grass) When I got back to McCoy, he had the turkey completely broken down, de-boned, and cut into cubes.

"Alright, it i- it's my turn to confess something to you."

"What is it?" I asked, pulling out my saxe knife, getting to work cutting up the mushrooms and onions.

"I cannot cook meat."

"That is alright, I know how." I replied, pointing to the pot. "Fill that up half way with water will you?" It was not a very large pot.

"What water?"

"Any water. If it is fast moving, you can drink it." I explained, handing him the pot.

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