Chapter 22 The Ball

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Miaread's P.O.V.

"There's something I haven't told you. . ." I admitted, as a folk song started becoming silence. I glanced over at a pocket watch one of the real nobles were showing off, to see that the time was 20:30. Which was the time the invitation showed as the balls official starting moment.

"What was it you were keeping from me Miaread?" It was such an innocent question. Just this stranger from Marliest who I happened to fall in love with.

My father stood at the top of the room -next to his giant red plush throne. I hated that throne. It'd been white originally -he was obsessed with the purity of the white poppies that Orantulle adopted for it's flower.- but after a bottle of wine was spilled on it he'd had it died red. I never did see Gregory after that.

"Welcome all, I am so very delighted to see you all here in my ballroom once again."

"King CoCorial, where is your daughter?" Queen Kamilinst from Hertia asked, her silver dress flowing around her like wind, even though she wasn't moving. He ignored her, as he did the curious mutterings scattering themselves around. "The time has come again for us all to gather together in my castle's magnificent ballroom."

"Well that's certainly one word for it" I muttered, making McCoy shake for a moment in silent laughter. We flashed our invitations at one of the palace guards who let us pass without another question.

"My king," Seth said, walking up to my father about 3 minutes into his welcome speech. I held my breath. Interrupting most definitely wasn't allowed.

But as it appears, Seth is privy to permissions I wasn't. Seth's lips barely parted as he whispered into the king's ear. He nodded, face hardening, as Seth shuffled away.

"It seems to be that everyone is curious as to the whereabouts of Isablee." Every ball I would stand to my father's left. The lack of my figure next to him, the dark colours I would dress in, stood out with his bright red throne shadowing me.

The audience agreed in various ways, from the children nodding their heads vigorously, the eyes of the princes and princesses my age wandered around, some not caring some trying to find me somewhere in the crowd, or the kings and queens whose eyes were locked on the figure stood upon the small stage. I must've been a very well-liked princess.

I never noticed people knew me.

"You won't find her," Ace mumbled, a smirk growing on his face.

"Why not? Didn't she just go missing? Missing people can be found. If you'd wish, once we're done here tonight I'll go find her and rid the world of her myself." Manteriin offered, pulling at the collar the dull green suit he was sporting.

"Both. . . Seán Peppre of Emerislan and Isablee-" He seemed to spit my name as if it felt bitter in his mouth. "Are off together, preparing for their wedding." It was a good excuse. It made logical sense, but if you knew the dastardly person as I did, one could see in his eyes that he was extemporizing.

He droned on and on. And on. I grabbed a goblet from one of the servers passing by. I did a double take at who it was walking the goblets around. It was Stevie. But she didn't look like herself. She looked. . . captivating. Not that she wasn't attractive before, but she was stunning now. Maybe it was the way she was carrying herself? Or perhaps she had learned something in the time I was gone.

My eyes followed her, and my heart ached. My little darling.

I drained the goblet, snatching another and replacing it with my empty one. I swallowed it in 2 goes, gripping it as tight as I could. McCoy took it from me.

"You're gripping it so hard your fingers are going white." He hissed into my ear. "Besides I thought you were gonna tell me something."

"McCoy, Miaread, go left." said Damien quietly. We followed his directions, shuffling over to left of the ballroom. A folk dance started up.

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