"I can only dream," with that the other line clicked leaving the lingering reminder of him in my head. 

I saw Booker opening the back doors of the truck for the girls allowing them to get in, the man from the front desk then came up to me.

"Keys to your car ma'am?" I pulled my brows together in confusion while he held his friendly smile and explained further upon seeing my reaction to his question. "Mr. Anderson has sent me to put your car back into the garage in his designated spot so it is not bothered while you're gone for the weekend. I can assure you nothing will happen to your car."

It wasn't that I didn't think Von would do something like that, it's just this is Atlanta you can never be sure. A homeless man can be begging one minute then have fresh J's the next. Nonetheless, I reciprocated his smile and handed him my keys. I made sure we took everything out and anything important I had in there before making my way over to Booker who was waiting for me on the passenger's side. 

I smiled brightly at him and he gave me a smirk in return while scoping the area. The smirk alone was more than I expected out of him, he was extra cold on the outside I figured he'd been through some shit so I wasn't surprised. He reminded me of the cool uncle everybody couldn't wait to see at the family functions though.

"Good to see you again Booker," I said while he opened the door helping me step up into the seat.

"Pleasures all mine young lady, try not to fuck anybody up this weekend okay?" He said causing me to laugh loudly, I forgot the cranky tired asses in the back and they shushed me.

I turned around to see them knocked the fuck out in the back seat and repositioning themselves to get some rest. Rolling my eyes I turned back around in my seat and buckled my seatbelt.

Booker returned to his seat on the driver's side and started the car, he looked at me non-verbally asking me if I was ready to go and I nodded my head. He was a man of few words but his facial expressions and body language spoke for him and I admired that. Meanwhile, I was always trying to hide mine and make sure no one saw what I was really feeling on the inside.


That's why I was looking forward to this weekend with Jévon, even though I wouldn't admit it I liked being in his presence no matter how cocky. Something about being around him was intoxicating and inviting. 

It was as if I didn't need to hide who I really was nor did I want to, after this situation with Brandon something dark triggered inside of me and I didn't know whether to embrace it or be afraid of it. I wanted to talk about it to get it off of my chest, but I knew the only person I could talk about it with was him. Weirdly after I met him everything in my life started to get better.

But who was I kidding I was the manifestation queen, I did that not him.

"Don't sit over there stressing yourself out, you'll get wrinkles. Take a nap." 

"I wasn't stressing I was... analyzing information." 

"I know what overthinking looks like when I see it, besides the ride is a lil long might as well get some sleep." I sighed knowing he was right, I leaned my seat back a little, but not too far where I was leaning back on Makayla's tall ass. She really needed to be in the front, if she didn't point it out she must've been dumb tired.

I rested my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes, feeling a little anxious I pushed it down knowing this weekend was going to be nothing but good vibes. 

I hoped.

I don't know how much time had passed all I knew was it was a lot brighter than when I had gone to sleep. I held my hand in front of my eyes while I blinked to adjust them to the bright ass sun. Once I managed to see somewhat I could see we were still driving but were surrounded by trees so we couldn't have been too far.

"We're about five minutes out, I won't be here the entire weekend I have some business to attend to for Jay, but I programmed my number into your phone just in case you want to leave early." I smiled softly at him, as much as he rather pretend like he doesn't care about anyone he truly was a softie.

"Thanks, Booker," he nodded letting me know he received the message of my appreciation. 

Without even knowing the whole truck had been awake before me and here came the million questions. 

So, did you and Von fuck and you didn't tell us? Because girl," Destiny said first in her embarrassing Shanaynay impression. I cringed at the voice and she smacked her teeth leaving Kayla and Xora to continue the line of questions. 

"Tell me you having his million-dollar baby. We finna be some rich bitches for real." Ixora said while twerking in the back seat, she has a strange obsession with rich Italian men, but she'd settle for a rich black man. 

"For the final time, I am not, have not, and will not be fucking Jévon if one of y'all wanna fuck him and make me the rich auntie be my guest." It was infuriating that with all the things he was doing they automatically assumed I had to fuck him to get it.

I know my friends and sister meant no harm, but they also knew how temperamental I was when it came to shit like that. Before they could say anything to piss me off further, we approached the cabin, but it looked more like a fucking manor. I wasn't sure who built this or what the inside looked like but it was completely intoxicating.

I've gathered on more than one occasion that Von was rich, but this nigga was rich rich. As Booker parked in the front I saw Jévon and some of his friends file out of the house causing Destiny to immediately start fixing herself in the back seat.

"Whore," the three of us girls said in unison. 

"My future baby daddy is in there, he might not know it yet but he's my baby daddy and future husband." I already knew she was talking about Jori and I also knew that was just a recipe for disaster. 

Booker turned the truck off and exited, letting the girls in the back out first. I watched making sure they got out okay not realizing my own door had been opened for me. Looking to my right I saw Von standing there looking as fine as fucking ever. 

"Looks like somebody decided to be a good girl and actually show up." 

Yeah, this was about to be a long fucking weekend.

Yeah, this was about to be a long fucking weekend

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