Its your fault!!

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Anna P.O.V
I went to class with my friends and I herd screaming
I wanted to get out of class and see but I thought it must be the teacher arguing over who's ordering lunch.
When I went to lunch with my friends I went to look for my sister Elsa
She wasn't here I then wonder? Maybe she's busy with all that work in class
When lunch ended and it was time to go home I waited for Elsa to come out but she didn't
I know she didn't leave without me because she never do that to me
I then see jack with Merida?rapunzel?and Johnny? That's weird why would Jack hang out with them they bully him and Elsa?
When they left and Jack was alone he spotted me and his eyes became wide as could
I ran to him but for some reason he ran away
"Jack!"I yelled and everyone looked at me
"Jack stop running!"I said as loud as I could but he didn't
I then ran as fast as I could and grab his arm but for some reason he seemed.......
"Where is Elsa!"I yelled at him and everyone crowded us and watched us I didn't care I just wanted my sister
"I don't know why ask me!"he yelled which shocked
"Your her best friend you always hang out with each her so why lie!"I said and he seem mad
"I was her best friend and I no longer hang out with her!"he said which hurt me they are no longer best friend
"What?"I said said shocked
"She never understood me and so I've made some new best friend"he said and I....

Jack P.O.V
She slap me!
"Don't you ever said that about my sister!NOW WERE IS ELSA!"she yelled at me
I guess I should tell her the truth since she hits hard
"Fine!you want to know she ran away!she's gone forever since she was my test to become popular!"I yelled at her
Anna was just shocked and so was everyone but it seem they didn't care since she was a loner like I was but I not anymore.
"For some stupid fame was more important then your own friend!!!"Anna said yelling at me
She said the same word Elsa said before she ran away

"Hey Elsa look I'm sorry I hurt you I just wanted to have a chance to be popular"I said while trying to help her get up but she pushed me away and got up herself.
"You did all that for popularity"she said calm
"Yea I'm rea--
"For some stupid fame was more important then your own friend!!"she said yelling which hurt me
"No it's no---
"Forget it Jack you want fame and popularity then having friends then go have it but don't think that we are still friends!!"Elsa said while getting mad
"Look!I'm tired of being bullied and popularity can stop me from being"
"I don't care anymore I never want to see you!!i never want you in my life!!!I WISH I WAS NEVER FRIENDS WITH YOU JACK FROST!!!!"she yelled at me which shocked me since she is always happy
"If I ever see you or your group one day in my life you will regret it for your whole entire life!!!"she yelled while running out of the school while leaving me in shock.......
------End Of Flashback-----
"This all your fault!"Anna said in tears
"I was right all this time you don't have a heart and you never had!!!"she said backing away from me
You don't have a heart and you never had!!!!!
I was shocked
"I never want to see you again Jack Frost!"she said and ran away while everyone left as if nothing happen here..

Anna P.O.V
I ran away and went home crying
"Want happen Anna where's Elsa?"my mom said worried
"What happen?"dad said
"Elsa ran away from school!!"I yelled and tears fell from eyes
"What but why she have everything she ever needed"my dad said while my mom gasped
"She had"I said while my head looking down to the floor
"What do you mean?"my dad said while making me to look up
"Jack Frost was the cause of her running away!"I said while making a fist
"Isn't he Elsa best friend"mom said but I shook my head
"Was!he bullied her to become popular"I said
"No this can't be happening Elsa is gone and it's because of him!"I said and both looked at me shocked
"Jack Frost is going to pay for everything!"I said and walk to my room and locked it and cried while my parents call the police to look for Elsa.

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